First Legal Grow in Colorado!!


Hello again. Here is an update after about 2 weeks of being under hps and 12/12 lighting. Its been just shy of 3 weeks since my last update and comparing the old pictures, they've grown a lot! I'm very pleased.

I am very luck, too. I planted 3 bag seeds and I have 3 females! :)

Now I'm thinking about cloning, any tips/ideas?

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Active Member
Yo Sinister, very nice looking plants and you are indeed lucky to get 3 fems from 3 random seeds. Awesome.

Personally I'm not a fan of stressing plants that are in flower but ofc you should take some clones and these plants are large enough so hopefully it won't stress them too much. Do it asap!

Try to pick a shoot that is very low down on the plant since u won't get much weed off them anyway. Try to take a shoot that is not too "twiggy", one that is still quite bendy if you can find one. Good luck! Nice grow.


Active Member
Here is my little clone space. It's an old converted kitchen cupboard where I run a couple of 12W CFLs and a 15W blue LED lamp. There is also a PC fan running to keep the air fresh and underneath the mini greenhouse is a heating mat normally designed for a terrarium or similar, since clones like it nice and warm and very humid.

Can comfortably fit about 12 clones inside that mini greenhouse, maybe more but I seldom do that many coz I would run out of space.



Well-Known Member
Lookin' good dude.

Are they not selling seed packs in Colorado yet, or did you use bag seed to get some experience before you spend cash on seeds?

Regardless, your plants look like they'll put out some nice buds for you, and you're next grow will be even better. Keep us posted, and best of luck.


Thanks for the advice guys. I couldn't imagine 12 plants! Nonetheless, I do want to clone these so I can keep the process going.

Wilksey, I'm sure they sell seeds in Colorado, but I had these laying around so I figured, why not? Like Grow4myfriends said, I got very lucky for 3 females! I hope they give me upwards of 10 oz's dried (or more). I guess time will tell.

I will check back in with more pictures in a week of so. Stay tuned :)


Here we have my babies after about 4 weeks into flowering. Looking yummy :)

I know this question is rather vague, but any guesses on dry weight after harvest? Each plant has 4 main cola's and 2 of them have smaller shoots that will produce much less.



I'm hoping for 5+ oz's... But whatever, time will tell.

Also, tomorrow I'm taking a drug test. Anyone ever used synthetic urine? I bought a product called ultra pure. Let me know your thoughts.



About 7 weeks into flowering. Ran into a little spider mite issue which is now more or less under control. The old soapy water trick has worked. Unfortunately it took a little while to discover them. They seem to be in 3 different stages. See below for pics. Thanks!

First grow
Began ~ Mar 1st (from seed)
Switched to HPS and 12/12 ~ 8 wks later
Bag Seed
MG nutes (3x)
Tap water
MG Soil
Started grow under Fluros - 80W
400 W MH
400 W HPS
Plants are just about 25 in from base

P.S - I passed the drug test with synthetic urine!!! Woot Woot!
Closest to harvest
Furthest from harvest
Family photo
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping for 5+ oz's... But whatever, time will tell.

Also, tomorrow I'm taking a drug test. Anyone ever used synthetic urine? I bought a product called ultra pure. Let me know your thoughts.

Those look like they should be able to make at LEAST 2 oz per plant dry. Don't wanna' jinx it though...


Active Member
About 7 weeks into flowering. Ran into a little spider mite issue which is now more or less under control. The old soapy water trick has worked. Unfortunately it took a little while to discover them. They seem to be in 3 different stages. See below for pics. Thanks!

First grow
Began ~ Mar 1st (from seed)
Switched to HPS and 12/12 ~ 8 wks later
Bag Seed
MG nutes (3x)
Tap water
MG Soil
Started grow under Fluros - 80W
400 W MH
400 W HPS
Plants are just about 25 in from base

P.S - I passed the drug test with synthetic urine!!! Woot Woot!
Closest to harvest
View attachment 3177719
View attachment 3177720
Furthest from harvest
View attachment 3177721
Family photo
View attachment 3177722
Very nice! I'm honestly surprised you came out alright using MG soil. That stuff tends to burn the crap out of the plants. I'm talking from experience haha. I was using MG at first and noticed burn so I checked the pH of the water runoff and documented it at 5.2pH!! I was like >={ So I went straight to the store for some organic soil. Theyre much happier now haha.

They came out good, next time go with a diff soil, you and the plants will be much happier, I promise you that.
They're looking much closer to harvest, have you switched to water only feeding yet? And also, I've read that it will raise your THC levels up nearly 10% if you switch back to blue light (MH) for the last 2 weeks. Roughly the same time you should switch to water only feeding.

All in all, they look good man. Keep it up, I'm subbing.