First Legal Grow


Well-Known Member
me, i was just experimenting during the whole process. I had 3 jars and each one was cured slightly different. During curing, i was also smoking from this stuff, and trying to notice any differences. There were some, but i can't really One thing that was pretty obvious though was the difference in the harshness when you smoke it. After 3 weeks of curing, smoke was much better.
Anyway, i guess what i'm trying to say is, trial and error...!


Well-Known Member
good advice

i figure that's sort of what i've done so far ... read as much as i can about it, but then freak out because i can't REALLY know if i'm doing it right being my first time and not having a clue half the time haha...alright well i get what it is about curing now! smoked the first of the 10 day cured and it was much less harsh than my other stuff.


Well-Known Member
...and you can always touch the buds in the jars. If they're dry enough, you need to burp the jars less often, and vice versa.

cheers man....


Well-Known Member
cool beans man thanks for the advice... smoked the first of it yesterday (did i already post that? haha stoned) and yea i can definitely tell the difference from 10 days curing. gonna wait another 10 days tho probably before i open em up. i guess i might start a new journal? 2nd flowering? i haven't been paying attention to my girls in veg and some started to show signs of N deficiency, and others something other type of def. watered with basic 8-7-6 nutes and hopefully they clear up :-?. 4 ladies in flower are looking beastly, one's a little taller than the other and a burnt a fan leaf a day i wasn't paying enough attention but lookin good otherwise i'm sure they're going to yield more than the last batch.

only thing that's annoying me, why i've had some trouble is i'm in soil w/nutes and have forgot to some degree how long they've been in that soil, it's supposed to run out in 4 weeks, so i'll give it 2 more before starting to really nute em myself. for now i did put one tablespoon of bat guano per plant (1/3 dose) as well as one more tablespoon of dolomite lime (Mag/Cal) cause that was my deficiency last time, the thing about that stuff tho is it makes the soil more alkaline so i have to watch out for pH



Well-Known Member
i don't know whats up exactly, thinking it is either pH or N deficiency, but leaning more toward pH. limestone is more basic and so it gives Cal and Mg, just raises pH. ran outta lemon juice and was just using regular tap water sitting out for a day but thats right at around 7 so yesterday i used an orange and brought it down to ~6.5 and watered my four ladies in flower.

og diesel: most yellowing out of all of them, also been in flower longest (2 wks?)

my white widow and one of the shiva's are turning a lighter green i'm thinking due to pH. i'll post pics later tonight. They also LOOK more related/similar than when i compare the super shiva and the candy shiva side-by-side. weird.

so if i have very little yellowing thus far i should be able to correct pH and hopefully the problem will correct itself


Well-Known Member
alright here's whats happening :evil:

yellowing i'm not enjoying. temps are mid 80s sometimes get a little high but i've been keeping an eye on them better. pH of my water is 6.8ish. was just using plain tap water but i've started watching pH more closely.

first leaf is from my clones. it's og diesel mama and is yellowing on the older growth. pretty must all of my clones are starting to yellow like this. smaller ones have burnt tips like overfert possibly from the soil mix? but has never happened before. second pic is WW clone yellowing from old growth as well, worse than the diesel i clipped off many fan leaves from her. also fan leaves are bending vertical like so their leaves look very slim?



Well-Known Member
eyy sory to interupt your thread... but i always wonderd how much clones cost from places like that. even how much just there bud costs.. you could fill me in?


Well-Known Member
originally i bought mine from $10-20 at a few different places.

i bought 6 different strains total to try out and see which i like best

so far i know 1 strain does very well in it's environment
1 turned to be VERY hermie and completely stunted.
1 flowered very nice but near the end (6 wks) they turned hermie. i don't know if they're very weak strains or if i might have triggered their change with stress, either way it's weaker than the first strain.
and i have 3 i don't know yet.


Well-Known Member
oh yea, here's something. ladies that are flowering do have a deficiency, similar to problems i ran into on my first grow.

early in the flower cycle (2 wks) leaves are turning yellow and losing vigor.:?

it's still early i think i can correct it. corrected pH, but i hear limestone is basic and might have locked in..:confused::shock::peace::twisted:



Well-Known Member
it's lookin ok, i was hoping for less yellowing for this stage of the game. it sucks cause i'm having a hard time identifying the problem since i'm using pH papers and the soil had slow-release nutes. bah.

either way i'm learning, this patch will be better than the last and i'll get it right sooner rather than later (i hope!)


Well-Known Member
alright well yellowing continues, sucks i'm gonna lose weight from this but still tryin to keep a positive mindset and they're looking decent...just yellowing WAY faster than last time. i'm never using soil with nutrients in it again. have i said that already? haha

alright 2 more days of fall quarter then i'm on break. maybe i'll actually be able to update then.,..i think my 3rd grow will be in a new journal, start over fresh sorta thing.

what's up with all ya'll? happy smoking