First legit grow attempt, 1000w perpetual growth sog.

Hello rollitup community, im new here, and i'd like to share my ideas for an upcoming grow.

Atm i am leaning towards a perpetual growth, sea of green, organic soil system. I'd like to run 5 batches of plants continuously, with 3 batches flowering, 1 batch vegging, and 1 batch cloning at any given time.

Im thinking of using a 1000w aircooled hps with 8" hood for the flowering area, a 250w MH for the vegging area and w/e flourescents i need for my cloner (don't know ANYTHING about cloning yet).

There are a few things i am struggling with, as i attempt to launch my first serious weed venture. First i don't want to get caught, and its hard to find reliable information on the liklihood of being busted, especially since everyone's situation is different. Also i want to grow as much fucking weed as possible, without sacrificing too much quality. And lastly my investment bidget is limited, i'd like to keep it under $1,500 if possible.

Ill be spending alot of time over the next few day's pouring over as much of this forum as i can, although any tips are appreciated. Thanks
So the stage i am at right now is getting together a list of what ill need. I'm hoping to get this started during the first week of march, so until then i wont have much to take pictures of. I'd like to keep my intial investment under 1,000 and put under another 500 in before the first batch starts vegging.

Heres what i think i need to start

1000w hps with 8" air-cooled hood.- $350
Inline fan and ducting (already have an oscillating fan)- $200
1 pack of serious seeds chronic, 40 cheaper nirvana quality seeds- $200
Pots, Organic Soil, Worm Castings, Perlite. Wood 2x4's, Plastic and Mylar for the walls- $100

And eventually i think ill also need

Humidifier and thermometer- $100
Ozone generator- $200
Organic Nutrients- $50

Am i missing anything important? besides cheap stuff like fittings/screws etc.
Its a pretty big room, im gonna plastic off a 6x8x7 (LxWxH) area for flowering and a 6x4x7 area for vegging and cloning.
Time to buy seeds! Im ordering from attitude, since they have a huge selection, a decent reputation and give u three free packs of seeds on orders of $100 or more, you can also get 10% off my entering 420 as the voucher code.

So i have a $150 budget give or take and i'd like to find the best possible genetics for my grow. My priorities are high yield without losing much potency, and of course it needs to be suitable for short veg, sog style grow. Ill prob buy one pack of premium genetics. Right now im leaning towards Serious Chronic or Mr Nice Critical Mass. However ive heard negative things as well as positive things and would like some more advice/suggestions. Im also considering DJ short Blueberry? although im guessing it wont have the largest yields.
Well i went with my gut instinct and ordered 1 pack of Mr Nice Critical Mass and 1 pack of Nirvana AK48. It also came with 3 freebies all from Green House Seeds: White Widow feminized, Cheese Feminized and Train Wreck Feminized. I don't know much about GHS but ill prob germinate all of them from the start since its SOG. The plan is too take clones from mostly Critical Mass at this point, but we'll see...

I wish i had pics to show, but i wont have access to the grow space for another 3-5 weeks. Maybe ill take a few pics of the seeds and post how the order came through.