First marijuana grow[cfl's, rubbermaid, closet]


Active Member
Okay this is my first grow I am about a month in. The two bigger plants are about a mmonth old and the smaller ones are about three weeks old. I am using a 30gal. rubbermaid bin, a small desk fan blowing out, a thermometer, light timer(there on a 18/6 cycle), aluminum foil(I know its not the best), and-
I am going to ad more lights as they grow. I had several issues such as heat problems, over watering problems, and other problems so there undersized but this is my first grow and im just trying to get through it. I have 5 plants currently growing!

Notice in the following pics its just a bunch I took overtime and They are alot bigger after I transplanted the two bigger ones, so ill try putting up new pics soon. But here are some!



Active Member
Well im just stickin with it cuz im flat broke right now and I dont wanna take the time to paint a plastic bin white


Active Member
but yeah you should get rid of the tin foil with all those lights on im sure heat is playing a big role in your problems


Active Member
I did transplant two of them the bigger ones and they have shown some awesome growth ill take pics soon,sorry been busy


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Aight here a some more pics of the plants.. only one is looking good at the moment but that ok cuz thats all the room ill probly have for. Also i germed about 10 seeds cuz im gonna plant some seedling outside soon!!!!
