First Nevada MMJ Grow, Re-post and Updates


Well-Known Member
Well, here's my first update since the site got hacked :( ....And my thread didn't exist when the backup happened, so here it is.

It's Day 20 for my bagseed I've labelled Kdouche...and It's looking beautiful:

Kdouche 1.jpgKdouche 2.jpgKdouche.jpgKdouche 3.jpg

My Kushage thriving, but looking a bit retarded (One leaf from 2nd set only has 2 tips, the other side has 3....the 3rd set coming in unevenly...and first set curled a lot....I'm guessing this is from my lil transplant doozey, or maybe a genetic disorder?):

Berry bomb behind, but still thriving and growing nicely:
Berry Bomb.jpg

And tomatoes to transplant outside in a few weeks hopefully....when the weather gets better:


Well-Known Member
Well, I found out my digital humidity gauge was, it was reading 20%-30% when it was more like 45-55%.

I transplanted kdouche and started to JOG her...figured i'd try this method over just plain LST this time...And the leaves are getting fucken huge:
kdouche fan leaf.jpgkdouche transplanted.jpgkdouche tie down 2.jpgkdouche tie down.jpg

Kushage is still lookin retarded...growing all lopsided and shit, but I wanna keep her to see how she grows out:
kushage 2.jpgkushage.jpg

Berry Bomb is lookin nice, very indica looking...and starting to smell nice:
berry bomb 3.jpgberry bomb 2.jpgberry bomb.jpg


Well-Known Member
So I decided to do most everything left in one day. I set the light's on for Kdouche forward one hour to 7pm, and will go off at 7am tomorrow they got 15/7 then directly to 12/12 in the morning.

I'd like to show you guys my lovely micro-cloning method....The size of the clones is nothing new to me, and I've had great success in the past with this method....however my method for dome'ing them is new to here's the pics:

Kdouche Clones 2.jpgKdouche Clone.jpg

As you can see, I took the "suckers" from the second set of true leaves....all in all they were about 3" long, and had growth tip + half node + 1 full node. I cut off the full node, and left the half node and growth tip....put in cloning gel, and put into RR knockoff's. I cut waterbottles a little low so I'd have a reservoir to keep the RR's moist, and then cut the bottom off some other bottles so they'd be a bit taller after I covered them.....I cut 4 small holes in the top sides and one in the caps. This should hopefully keep the humidity around 90-100% no problem.....they're sitting directly underneath my 3000k fluorescent light, since the light doesn't contribute much to chlorophyll but keeps them warm....and they still getting some light from the LED's and the 4200k light as well.

Here's the mother of the clones....first pic shows where I pulled the clones from....second shows the size of the box I'm going to flower in....Mind you, this box will take my other 2 plants once they're ready to clone:

Kdouche after Clones Taken.jpgKdouche after Clones Taken 2.jpg

And I'm not done tying her down...just waiting on some further growth as she stretches....I plan on using the JOG technique and wrap her around the pot....hopefully this will help keep the vertical growth down a bit more than my first grow in Oregon/Ever.

The only thing I'm not sure about, if anyone wants to clue me in....should I clip those bottom suckers and first true-leaves now or wait a week or two to see how the growth comes out? I know it's safe to cut within the first 2 weeks of initiating flowering....I just don't want too many gigantic cola's that I'm going to need to entangle to keep the height down.


Well-Known Member
So, it's day 39 since Kdouche has popped, and my plants are looking beautiful's the pics:

I'm so glad because Kdouche is showing a few pistils already, so it's definately at least a fem...hopefully doesn't start growin balls too:


Got some closeup pics of how I performed the JOG technique with her...she has like 4 decent sized colas, one small one, and the main hopefully I'll end up with 6 cola's in the end. I did my last cuts today to remove fan leaves that weren't paired up with an alternating node, and excess cola's so that I don't end up with too many. Last time I had a plant with like 15 cola's in that box and ended up taking forever and a day to finish. Now that pistils are starting to show, I don't think it'll be safe to cut any more off her.

Here's Berry Bomb...she's starting to develop some nice sized alternating nodes...I'm hoping that by next weekend I can clone her so I can transplant and put her into the flowering chamber:


And here's kushage...she's taking forever to grow the alternating nodes, there's a few sprouting but nothing big enough to clone yet, she'll probably be a few more weeks before I can put her into flower:



Well-Known Member
Here's another update:

Kdouche is definately sativa, this was my bagseed. She'll be 6 weeks into 12/12 on monday...some of my LST efforts scared me, as when I tied a few stems down they kinda crunched up, so hopefully not too harsh for her:
kdouche.jpgkdouche 2.jpgkdouche 3.jpgkdouche 4.jpgkdouche 5.jpg

This is Berry bomb, she'll be 3rd week 12/12 on friday:
berry bomb 2.jpgberry bomb.jpg

This is kushage, she'll be 2nd week 12/12 on friday(yes, a 420 plant :P):

Here's some pics of what they look like in the box:
full box 2.jpgfull box.jpg


Well-Known Member
well, i killed kushage...she looked like she was growin balls so I said the hell with this retarded assed looking plant, I could use the extra room, lol. Kinda odd since it was supposedly a feminised seed, i didn't see anything that looked like pistils.


Well-Known Member
Woot....good news: I harvested Kdouche....looks pretty decent....only bout 1/2 oz bud (not wasting anything though, gunna make tincture with the fan/sugar leaves)...not too bad for first grow for this strain. Here's some pics of the harvest:


I'm pretty convinced she's some sort of Mexican Sativa Landrace....she finished 1 day short of 8 weeks...usually sativas don't finish that quick. All the leaves were starting to turn and I've been feeding it, so I said fuck it lets cut her. Most of the trichs were milky (90-95%) and the buds were slightly swolen.

I think I let it grow too many colas so I'm gunna cut more suckers and leave more fan's my next in line I just placed in 12/12:

View attachment 2180520View attachment 2180521View attachment 2180522

Oh, and updates on Berry Bomb...she's fucking beautiful and smells like gods gift. I think she's got another 2 weeks left maybe less:



Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm pretty sure that sativa may have been a slightly early looking under scope of dry buds i'm seeing a lot of clear crystals...but all the leaves were dying...and I was feeding it...maybe I ended up burning it at the end or something, I dunno. Are the leaves supposed to almost die/brown/yellow completely before it's ready?


Well-Known Member
i changed my setting before the forum was hacked like 2 months must have gotten reset. I moved to Vegas in October though.