first on flowering, need advice


Well-Known Member
which ppm and ph and which nutrients density i need? i lowered my humid to 45-49, i cant decrease more, do you have any suggestons for lowering rh? Thanks dudes.

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old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
i agree with growindad ,you have sativa there it look like to me ,takes a little longer to grow ,but plants look good ,how many weeks into flower are they ,what type nutrients you using ,ppm on early bloom should be 750 to 950 with 1.5 to 1.9 ec ,mature bloom 1000 to 1600 with 2.0 to 3.2 ec ,taken from hannah chart .but it really depends on what your girls tell you ,you feel me


Well-Known Member
and i have purplish black color edges on bud leaves on first plant:

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this is second one:

i frighten to adding nutrients because i defoliate it(pruned older and big leaves) and used LST technique. i think plants can take less ppm than not pruned.

Reduce humidity? Buy a dehumidifier.

i dont have much money, my budget is limited.

You may want to describe your grow. PPM/nutes vary by grow method...
i agree with growindad ,you have sativa there it look like to me ,takes a little longer to grow ,but plants look good ,how many weeks into flower are they ,what type nutrients you using ,ppm on early bloom should be 750 to 950 with 1.5 to 1.9 ec ,mature bloom 1000 to 1600 with 2.0 to 3.2 ec ,taken from hannah chart .but it really depends on what your girls tell you ,you feel me
they are in 82th day from seedling and day 38 of flowering. I bended them for small closed area and efficient light usage.

my lights are;
250w HPS (used 250 MH in Vegetative)
2x 26w warmlight cfl
1x 26w daylight cfl
1x 60w daylight cfl

sometimes my humid up to %60 :(

yesterday i gave them 1010 ppm mixture that have all nutrients 10N 40P 35K 20Mg 15Ca and macros.. +humic and fulvic acid
ph was 6.6

i am hang up on fertilizing defoliated plants.


Well-Known Member
I search transplanting when flowering. Lots of growers did it. they said main point is gently proccess.


Well-Known Member
Please research this : nutrients (whats in them, how to use them and why and when), how does the plant feed and grow, proper ph and why, pruning techniques for better yield, lighting, how to transplant and when, pests and pest maintenence, ....I imagine you will be in here in a cpl weeks asking about how to cure , so. curing techniques also. All these answers are right here on this very site. enjoy