First Organic Grow with Full Fluorescent Lighting


Well-Known Member
Bulbs are 5 for blue, 8 for red, and I got both hoods w/ 2 sets of blue and 1 red set for a little over 500 bucks!
Wow thats a sweet deal. thanks for the info. you are planning on going all the way to harvest with t5's just switching the spectrum?


Well-Known Member
Yes. My goal is to use nothing but T5 light and Organic methods. I have already found that with a lot of research on organics, I can negate a lot of disease and pest problems, and the T5's keep the room in the mid 70's so it works...I have 8 Red T5's ready to go around the 15th...


Well-Known Member
After 4 weeks of growth I am pleased with the results.

I have the strains, the equipment, the knowledge and the motivation. Now we'll see if it works in real time!

PH 6.0
Humidity 61%
Temp 73.9

Flushing once a week with all fertilizers EXCEPT for BioThrive Grow and BioRoot which I water with in between flushes...

Burned the crap out of the Le Fruits with a foliar. I looked at my watch and thought 3 hours had gone by...It hadn't obviously...

They were pissed for a day, then new foliage emerged. We've put this behind us and have agreed to move forward!:lol:


Confidential Herb

Active Member
Gorgeous looking plants. I'm planning on doing my first grow with cfls soon. I'm going to be using 4 23w 6500k/5500k for vegging and 4 23w 2700k for flowering on two plants every two months.
I'd like some advice from you on nutrients, and growing mediums, watering methods, etc. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
So a few hours after I did a Fert. and Foliar, the sativa decided to wake up...

Compare this pic to the earlier one, Hilarious...



Well-Known Member
They are still growing. You can really see the burn I imposed:wall:

Still in vegetative for now...Going to flower in 2 weeks.

PH 6.1
Temp 69.9 F

They look kind of sad because they were just watered and got a foliar spa treatment:weed:
:fire:Decided to FIM the SATIVA and keep her...I don't know though...even with bending I think she'll be thin:fire:

Let me know what you think... Maybe +REP?

:!:Also, any questions you have about your grow are welcome as well!:!:



Well-Known Member
I was going to run the sativa outside, but it sprouted male preflowers overnight...I weep for the loss.


Well-Known Member
Bulbs are 5 for blue, 8 for red, and I got both hoods w/ 2 sets of blue and 1 red set for a little over 500 bucks!
Mine came to $313 after shipping, if I remember correctly. Just 4 each blue & red, one hood. Where'd you get your deal?! :shock: Mine was the best deal I could find at the time, and I was happy with it... now I'm feeling gypped! lol

Wait... is yours 4' long, or 2' long? Mine is four. Could that be the price difference?


Well-Known Member
4 feet, 8 bulbs, one is a sunblaze T5, the other a new wave T5, but I bought them together with a bunch of other stuff and spent 1,000 bucks, so ya they hooked me up. Also I go there for everything. If you build a relationship with the store, things get cheaper!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Afraw. :D Unfortunately I'm housebound, so my shopping is done online. Not much relationship building probability there. ;)

BTW, those babies sure perked up quickly. They're looking mighty lovely. :hump:


Well-Known Member
My mobility is failing me as well. Surely you have a friend or a nurse that can run some errands for you? Call the store and explain your situation. Remind them of your fixed income, too! Where there's a plant, there's a way!


Well-Known Member
At this time, I've only got my hubby, and he already works three jobs (actually, four, when counting the Natl Guard) and runs all the household errands such as grocery shopping and folds/hangs most of the laundry... he's exhausted enough as it is. My son and daughter-in-law are moving back in soon though (they're having a baby, and you know the current economy: 'nuff said? lol), and he'll have more time & opportunity for these types of errands. We're also moving in a couple/few weeks, so I'll need to find out what kind (if any) of garden supply is in the new & smaller town.

Aside from replacement bulbs, soil, etc., I don't plan at this time to get a lot more for my grow room. Though probably another light fixture, but that will have to be down the road anyhow... economy again! :roll: I really don't need much more though. There's a lot I'd like to get, but don't necessarily need. ;)

Oh yeah, after we move, I'm going to be looking into home care services. Supposedly I'm qualified; we'll see. If that pans out, I'll get a lot more help around the house (taking a load off of hubby's shoulders) as well as someone to run errands and/or take me out on my "better" days. Monetary compensation always seems to get more assistance out of people, doesn't it seem? :lol: (Not that I can blame anyone!)

Where there's a plant, there's a way!
Love that one! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Still haven't flowered yet...

They grow BIGGER!

PH 6.2
TEMP 67.3
Humidity 62%

Apparently the "Le Fruit Defendu" prefers a more alkaline soil!

I've adjusted a bit and it's returning to normal. (Not the burns, but the yellowing)

I have to say the genetics are incredible:mrgreen:
I've kicked the shit out of them and they still keep going;-)

