First organic issues

My problems are progressing
Added the bonemeal and now have new damage
Kept hoping she would stop needing as much nitrogen but no
Now qtt 3 are showing the yellowing
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I need some way to fix this, tea? Do I go to q hydro store and ask them? I'm not trying to ruin this harvest
It’s gotta be your soil make up bro.
But I have the same soil tobuse again and need to remedy it
I was wuosed to use "spikes " with the mix but did not
I am assuming that is why this is happening so I'll try it again correctly on my next cycle in a few weeks
But that doesn't help the ones currently in flower
Ant help to remedy the current nitrogen issue would be much ch loved
What exactly is in your soil before transplant? That’s what I’m trying to get you to tell me bro. Can’t fix it until you break it down. Do you keep a journal? If not, that’s your first mistake.
6 gallons of organic soil mix that was Fox farms ocean Forest
2 gallons of rinsed Coco coir
4 gallons of perlite maybe a little more
4 gallons of earthworm castings and compost so it was Black cow compost I'll see if I can find a picture
Half cup tomato tone five five five
Half cup of green sand
1/2 cup ground oyster shells
Three fourths of a cup ground oyster shells
One cup powdered dolomite lime
One cup frilled fast-acting dolomite lime
Half of cup of blood meal
1/2 cup high nitrogen bat guano
2 cups feather meal
2 cups bone meal
One fourth of a cup powdered soft rock phosphate
Half a cup gypsum powdered
3 cups kelp meal
3 cups alfalfa meal
Half a cup azomite granular 1/4 cup humic acid ore granular
One cup organic rice husks
4 cups of additional cow poop from a bag
That's the soil mix they will get watered reverse osmosis water with 5 ml of Cal mag plus per gallon of water on a drip feed blumat system.
there's straw laid down on top of it to keep the soil from drying out super much I couldn't find any mulch that wasn't color treated
Ok for having 2 cubic feet of soil, I feel you have too many amendments. Per cubic foot you should have 4 cups mineral amendment (Rock dust)/ 3 cups max nutrient amendments per cubic foot. You can get through a whole grow water only with that formula. Fast acting lime can be problematic for organic grows due to added chemicals. I think it’s some kind of lockout. I know your runoff is 6.5 but it’s not making sense that you nitrogen problem is spreading. It’s either 1. The fast acting lime. 2. FFOF: a lot of growers complain about about weird deficiencies with ffof soil. 3. Some type of lockout. Sorry I can’t help you more bro.
SPLFreak808 is brilliant. He’s right, too much calcium causes lockout of potassium, iron, magnesium and manganese. I just read up on it bro. The only way to fix it is with a light flush. In this case, light flush means flushing with a light nutrient mix cause you still need the plant to up take nutrients. No more nitrogen bro. You have nitrogen toxicity already from chasing a ghost. I seen the leaf claw in your photos. You already have enough in your mix.
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Freak is brilliant. He’s right too much calcium causes of potassium, iron, magnesium and manganese and lockout. I just read up on it bro. The only way to fix it is with a light flush. In this case, light flush means flushing with a light nutrient mix cause you still need the plant to up take nutrients. No more nitrogen bro. You have nitrogen toxicity already from chasing a ghost. I seen the leaf claw in your photos. You already have enough in your mix.
Thqnks bro much appreciated
You’re the shit bro.
I fucked up once with too much fast acting granular lime, had very similar issues that caused all types of wierd shit regardless of having everything available in my soil, I got hit with a constant but slow mag def and some odd problems with Fe & P.

It wasn't until I sat down with a pen & paper and actually went through all my amendments to add up the ratios, when you have multiple sources of slow release calcium it adds up and is usually enough to keep you in check, adding in fast acting lime on top of that is usually not needed unless your slow release content is low or you have high levels of mag and don't want to use the dolomitic lime, another thing also is dolomite lime usually sits you at neutral even with excess but hydrated lime is easy to overshoot pH.

Fwiw, compost & cow manure will also have calcium but the amount depends on the diet of source.

I really do suspect the high Ca levels but also, should be careful and watch for signs of improvement after adjustment just in case it's got other problems or needs more adjustments to nute ratios.
It's daily worse
Don't expect her to survive the week
Am salty
Was the best looking healthiest plant I've ever grown
So how do I prevent it from happening to my others
As in correcting the issue in the unused soil container
Do I add more of something?
Remove something somehow?
Not to the soil with plants but to my tote of soil that my next plants were going into
Or do I need to just scrap that tote and cook some more while I have time
I don't need more soil for my next cycle for a month I could stretch that a llittoe longer b
if that's what I need to do could you suggest tweaks to be made? I am still hella new to this style of growing and I clearly couldn't follow even simple instructions so not sure what I'm gonna do from this point
Guess I'll go buy some bag soil and nutrients and stick to the synthetic style
It's daily worse
Don't expect her to survive the week
Am salty
Was the best looking healthiest plant I've ever grown
So how do I prevent it from happening to my others
As in correcting the issue in the unused soil container
Do I add more of something?
Remove something somehow?
Not to the soil with plants but to my tote of soil that my next plants were going into
Or do I need to just scrap that tote and cook some more while I have time
I don't need more soil for my next cycle for a month I could stretch that a llittoe longer b
if that's what I need to do could you suggest tweaks to be made? I am still hella new to this style of growing and I clearly couldn't follow even simple instructions so not sure what I'm gonna do from this point
Guess I'll go buy some bag soil and nutrients and stick to the synthetic style
Sending out a soil sample will give you your one time answer but if it were my cheap ass, i think id just cut that batch with a fresh batch at 50/50 then re-amend lightly while holding back the fast lime & oyster shell flour, hell id skip the cal mag too unless they ask for it.

Try to do a light run at first and see how your plants respond, if they get defs you could always resort to bottles and write down what defs during what time so you get an idea of what/how much to add back in for the next run, at least this way you can still make it to harvest.
Sending out a soil sample will give you your one time answer but if it were my cheap ass, i think id just cut that batch with a fresh batch at 50/50 then re-amend lightly while holding back the fast lime & oyster shell flour, hell id skip the cal mag too unless they ask for it.

Try to do a light run at first and see how your plants respond, if they get defs you could always resort to bottles and write down what defs during what time so you get an idea of what/how much to add back in for the next run, at least this way you can still make it to harvest.
So make another batch that's half the amounts then mix that with what I currently have ?
So what I was seeing and thinking was nitrogen deficiency was actually a calcium overdose?
So make another batch that's half the amounts then mix that with what I currently have ?
So what I was seeing and thinking was nitrogen deficiency was actually a calcium overdose?
From the first set of pics, that's during flower stretch and yes looks like its pulling nitrogen from the shaded areas of the inner foliage, normal if it doesnt spread to the outer leaves, N/mg def leaves yellow and drop, they don't stick around like p/k def ect.

And you do have a lot of Ca but im not 100% on it either as you also have A LOT of added amendments in ocean forest, just saying if it were me I would just cut the soil with something softer and try again.

Where did you get this soil recipe & how long did you veg in those pots before flipping?

Not sure if you've seen these yet, but they are good to keep on hand.

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