First outdoor grow, any advice?


Active Member
Dude really!!! turn the pics b4 posting..
Confused on your issue now. Them ladies der look alright to me.. Not amazing but not bad either. Keep on doing what your doing
Did you top them or did she grow that way?
Are you using Nutes, if so what?
Is she even a lady ? Do you know that ?
details bra, its all in the details


Active Member
Only you can really decide on the nute choice. Read online and you will find your answer ASAP .. you cant really go wrong unless you use beg or flushing agents.
White pots deflect the sunlight keeping the soil "wetter'
You trying to grow organic or chem? Id get some Mexican bat guano for starters to make teas or top dressing. Mexi guano high in Nitrogen which is what your plants need during veg. You can also find some good organic and chem bottled nutrients for veg and flower online, ebay has some good deals. I believe mountain organics is one company that ive used before