first outdoor grow questions~soil, strain, ferts etc


A buddy and I are growing outdoor next year and I want to make the best of it. I've watched a bunch of grow videos n stuff n think I'm ready but I really want some input from some really experienced growers. is it better to make my own soil compound? What should I put in it for best results? I will be needing a lot of soil. How much soil will I need per plant? (how deep/how wide etc.). I want one set of plant for just high quality bud and one set of plants for quantity. I don't want to spend a ridiculas amount on seeds as I would rather spend it on ferts n shit but something worth it. What strains do you guys prefer? I need 2 that can handle ontarios weather. My most important question is the feetalizers. I'm willing to spend a lot on ferts but want the best. What fertalizers would be best for each stage of growth. Root supplements? Etc. Anything else that will maximize my results. Just to let ya know... Were having a bit of a competition too so I wanna kick ass and have some dank ass buds around this time next year. I'll keep a very detailed grow journal but there's still like 7 months before that but I wanna know now so I can stock up on what I need and be ready for it. Thanks a lot guys for your time and hopefully the answers will be helpful to other new growers as well. Peace guyz


Well-Known Member
A buddy and I are growing outdoor next year and I want to make the best of it. I've watched a bunch of grow videos n stuff n think I'm ready but I really want some input from some really experienced growers. is it better to make my own soil compound? What should I put in it for best results? I will be needing a lot of soil. How much soil will I need per plant? (how deep/how wide etc.). I want one set of plant for just high quality bud and one set of plants for quantity. I don't want to spend a ridiculas amount on seeds as I would rather spend it on ferts n shit but something worth it. What strains do you guys prefer? I need 2 that can handle ontarios weather. My most important question is the feetalizers. I'm willing to spend a lot on ferts but want the best. What fertalizers would be best for each stage of growth. Root supplements? Etc. Anything else that will maximize my results. Just to let ya know... Were having a bit of a competition too so I wanna kick ass and have some dank ass buds around this time next year. I'll keep a very detailed grow journal but there's still like 7 months before that but I wanna know now so I can stock up on what I need and be ready for it. Thanks a lot guys for your time and hopefully the answers will be helpful to other new growers as well. Peace guyz
I'd make your own soil. At least buy some decent compost and mix with perlite to improve the drainage and aeration.
Seaweed extract, guano and manure are all good additives, and they're organic which I find improves flavour a noticeable amount. Avoid artificial ferts if you can, they only complicate things as well as run the risk of burning the plants.

I use 1 grow bag per plant outdoors, I'm not sure if you can get them in the US but they're relatively cheap, about a metre long, 40cm wide and maybe 10cm thick.

I dig a 3ft deep x 2ft wide hole, and mix my soil mix with the 'native' soil.

Go with a high nitrogen fertilizer during vegetative growth such as cow manure or bat guano. When you see flowers just starting to form, use a high potassium and phosphorus fertilizer like seaweed extract.

If you want large plants, kick start them indoors under lights. Get them about 1ft tall before you put them outside, and you should end up with monsters.

I went with Afghan Big Bud, you get good quantity (4 oz's per plant indoors with a relatively long veg), I'm not sure what my yield will be outdoors but flowering is in full swing and they look good. The big bud aspect of it almost guarantees a good yield, with the afghan aspect giving delicious smelling buds and good potency.

Decide if you're growing in pots or in the ground. Pots have the advantage that you can move them if very bad weather is due, where in the ground they have a tendency to grow bigger because the roots are unrestricted.

Don't skimp on seeds, buy a well known strain such as the one I mentioned or Northern Lights. Bagseed can be great, but it can also be terrible, spend the money on good genetics you should end up with good smoke.