First outdoor grow , scrog

New guy joe

First time growing, it became legal in my state during July so these girls have had a late start. My friend told me about the scrog idea and I wanted to test it out with some chicken fence I had. I realize now the chicken fence is a little too small. The holes are too close. But it has still been working great!


New guy joe

More recent pics.
Btw been using soul synthetics full line.
Some topping and lots and lost of super cropping.
About 6 weeks here since transplanted from red cups.


New guy joe

A couple more pics, also a cloner I built. Almost every clone has started roots already after 5 days! So excited how easy it was for my first time. Have seen some mites around the cloner what can I spray on those babies? Is azatrol okay?? I used it on my bigger girls during veg and I haven't seen a problem since but are clones to small. A old farmer I know mentioned using the leaves of tomatoe plants puried with water and foilitated. Is this possible?

