First outdoor grow (second ever grow) - UK


Hi all, Thought I would start a journal of this years grow (my first time outdoor)

South east UK - outdoor & conservatory acting as greenhouse.


2 x Killer Queen (outdoor-grown from clone)

2 x Strawberry Cheese (outdoor-grown from clone)

1 x Kashnikova Automatic (greenhouse-grown from seed)

2 x Automatic #1 (greenhouse-grown from seed-planted late)

1 x Auto Anubis (greenhouse-grown from seed-very late [not yet planted])

Completely organic...
Using Bonemeal & standard plant food brought from almost any farm shops or garden centers.
Growing medium is cheap bagged garden compost mixed with some hydro pebbles for better drainage.

I have a polytunnel on its way ready for next years outdoor plans, sadly this year has been a bit of unorganized rush. Next year will see only 6-8 automatic plants in a polytunnel and no regular feminized strains. Again completely organic, May change growing medium if this years harvest has an 'earthy' taste to it.

Further info -
2 x SC & 2 x KQ clones were a gift given too me in late April.
1 x KA was also a gift given too me in late July (small but well structured plant ready to flower)
3 x Auto #1 & seeds I purchased late July - on 1 the main stem snapped clean off in some strong wind and died leaving just 2 remaining. seeds planted on 23rd July.
1 x Auto Anubis I have purchased the seed to replace the dead AUTO #1 but it has not yet arrived - will be planting ASAP.

I think that about covers it, Pics currently being uploaded. Will be posted within the hour.

Peace, Sensi :joint:


Ok so some pics are ready! :bigjoint:

Just a couple of the fertz & growing medium to start off (forgot to mention everything is watered by hand with watering cans - Bonemeal acts as a slow release organic fertilizer to encourage root growth and the liquid fertz is just normal plant food. they get fed the liquid every 10 days)

Here we have the clones - Killer Queen on the Left and Strawberry Cheese on the right.

The 4 clones a bit bigger in their final pots ready to be moved outside. again KQ on the left and SC on the right.

I forget how long the 4 KQ & SC had been outside in this picture but again KQ on the left and SC on the right.



Here we have the Auto #1. These are just 4 weeks old from seed - the one with a pot to its self died a few days ago from a main stem snap under strong wind so only 2 left.

This is the only picture I have of the Kalashnikova plant - Taken today roughly 4 weeks in to flower.

And finally some pics of the 4 outdoor plants - these are planted very close together and have formed what looks like 1 big bush roughly 6 foot long and 3 foot tall so I can not really get any pictures of single plants. Also hard to get pics of the outdoor girls due to nosey neighbors but still I try my best. These are showing no signs of flowering yet - we currently get sunrise about 5.30 AM and darkness by 9 PM.

At the bottom of this pic you can see the Kalashnikova that used to be outside but was recently brought in to the 'greenhouse'

Thats all for now! Peace, Sensi


Also forgot to mention the outdoor plants are planted under a tree. one of the Killer Queens had a tree branch snap and fall on to it during a nasty thunder storm about a month ago. This snapped many main offshoots from the main stem. However I just tied her up the best I could with sticks and string and her health never dropped in the slightest. Still a nice sturdy plant.

Will keep posting updates as and when seems appropriate. The Auto Anubis seed should arrive Tuesday and be showing a shoot by Thursday.

This strain says it takes roughly 70 days outdoor, so it should be done by the end of October. I find this hard to believe, so lets wait and see how true it is.

Right that really is it for now, I'll be back maybe when the Auto #1 start showing some pre flowers and the Auto Anubis has grown in to a small plant.



New Member
Looking good Sensi...nice plant flowering in the conservatory!
I've an auto Ak49 doing well in a polytunnel...soon be ready to harvest.

Wish i could grow fully outdoors, but wild deer love ganja! I experimented one year with some males...they ransacked and trampled the hell out of them!

Do you prune the outdoor ones much?
This is my 3rd year grow and i'm still experimenting with whether to prune or not.

Have to be careful of mould in a tunnel so every fresh cut/ removal of leaves is susceptible to mould growth. I find leaving them go wild they do better.


Do you prune the outdoor ones much?
This is my 3rd year grow and i'm still experimenting with whether to prune or not.
Hi mate, The outdoor plants I do not prune at all really for a couple of reasons. I pull any badly yellow, dead or pest infested leaves off whilst I water but thats it really.

The first reason being I have houses overlooking my garden and don't want people wondering what I'm up to, so just letting them go wild. I sometimes chop the top off the main stem if they're getting too tall to slow down hight growth and encourage bushier plants however. The second reason being I don't really see any point in pruning vegetative plants.

However with flowering plants if you can prune then I would say it is worth it. I just take all the small bottom branches off along with all the little popcorn buds, so the plant puts its energy into growing the bigger top buds and is not wasted on tiny little shitty nugs at the bottom of the plant. I also try to keep the plant under the canopy completely bare as seen in the picture of my kalashnikova plant. I find this helps keep pests and things from jumping up from the soil into the plant but more importantly helps with light penetration.

Hope that helped, good luck with you grow!


Just a quick one more asking for advice than showing my grow, The outdoor Killer Queens are starting to show 2 white pistols :-) strawberry cheese however is not.

BUT - all 4 outdoor plants have a bit of a pest problem and I want to get this under control before buds start forming and its too late to spray them.

Any tips to get rid of the pests? I'm not sure whats eating them, My guess is either spider mites or black flies.

Cheers, Sensi

garden safe insecticidal soap works good to kill stuff or you can just make a spray from a tsp cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and drop of soap. i'd do the latter, once every couple days and if it doesn't work, get some insecticidal soap.


Well-Known Member
Monterey with spinosad worked great for me. Cleared my whole garden of all pesty insects. I keep finding dead insects weeks after spraying.


Cheers for the tips guys! Tiny update...

Auto Anubis arrived today now in germ. The outdoor plants have all been coated in some cheap spider mite/black fly killer spray that i got from a local £1 shop, so lets wait n see how that works.

Also, the Kalashnikova smells pretty strong now and the smell is absolutely beautiful. Cant wait till shes's finished, dried n cured for a taste test.

Thats all for now, PEACE! Sensi.


Okay so, thanks for the bug tips guys!

Now I have a new problem, The auto #1 are growing awfully. considering they are a drawf plant, they are already as tall as the kalashnikova plant just 4.5 weeks from seed. but the main problem is, they're just growing really tall and have no side branching what so ever!

Any idea how to fix this and stop them growing up and start bushing out? is it too late to top them? help please...

Long story short though, don't buy Auto #1 strain by Auto seeds - its shit!

And an update on everything else, The kalashnikova has about 2-3 weeks from harvest, the 4 outdoor plants are still not really doing much. and the Auto Anubis has germinated and was planted today.



Ok, SMOKE REPORT TIME!!! :joint::-D

The Kalshnikova Automatic was harvested just 8 weeks after it started flowering - 3 days ago.

In just three days she has dried! Buds ain't overly dense and are pretty small, but what she lacks in size she more than makes up for in potency.
This is a really great smoke with a strong head high, defiantly don't want to be smoking it if you have anything you need to do that day.
Aroma is very strong and complex, a very fruity skunky smell.

This 1 small plant yielded exactly 15 grams of beautiful crispy, dry, potent bud with no stalk.

Also got a small paper bag full of sugar leaf that I may do something with.

So overall, Great strain and great smoke!
Pics below

After wet trim


ready to smoke!


Update time!!!

Still smoking the Kalashnikova bud, and all my girls apart from the very young auto anubis are now roughly 2.5 weeks into flower! yay!!!

Only a couple of pics but 2 x auto #1 2 x strawberry cheese and 2 x killer queen are all doing great even with the shitty weather we've been having.

This is an outdoor Killer Queen.

And this is a 'greenhouse Auto #1.

Thats all for now! keep the fire blazing guys, Sensi.