First outdoor grow


Well-Known Member

Thought I would start a grow journal as this is my first grow with decent seeds, I was practicing on hemp cos I didn't want to screw up with expensive seeds. I went to my local headshop yesterday and bought 10 big bud afghani seeds, from the pukka seeds seedbank. I plan on starting them indoors until late spring when I will transplant them into a forest clearing not far from where I live. The seeds are in a paper towel inside a ziplock, I'll post pics as soon as they sprout. Wish me luck! :weed:


Well-Known Member
The woods around this clearing is quite dense and difficult to get through with a bike but too far from the house to walk. The clearing is fairly big but it's a mission to get there. The soil's probably quite acidic as it's a pine forest so I was thinking of using big pots to plant in with my own compost/vermiculite mix. Any tips or help would be much appreciated as the last thing I want is to be ripped or to have my plants chomped by deer/rabbits.


Active Member
look around for any signs of people having been there. recently cut tree stumps, cigarette butts, bullet casings, anything. in the 3rd picture it kinda looked like there were some of those black tube things, meant to protect little trees from deer.


Well-Known Member
if you dont want to be dissapointed, i wouldnt use all of that plot. 1 or 2 tucked away in the corner (light permitting)should be your limit, and find another couple of plots to heighten your chances of a yeild, if deer/people/LEO find your plants they will all be at risk. dont travel through the day either you WILL be seen by somebody, go at night or dawn wearing dark clothing!!

how are you planting?? in pots/ ground? if you are planting in the ground you need to start working the land. you dont want to leave it all til the last minute, coz its a right ass ache lol.

good luck tho my friend, keep it



Well-Known Member
sohypnotick, cheers.
Rach & cannabliss- I went this morning as made sure as best I could I wasn't seen, work camo trousers, black fleece etc. I was there for an hour looking about and just thinking about where I could plant, weighing up pro's and con's of different places.
This is not the only place I've decided to grow, I found a few other similar clearings when I was out this morning. I reckon the plot will get direct sun for about 12 hours in summer, possibly more.
I've also looked around for signs of people, trails, litter etc and there are none as far as I can see. To be honest I could do with a bit help to do with potting, I have the option of using a 30cmx30cm pot and digging it into the ground, or I have some peat pots which you can start the plants in and then just put them straight into the soil, and the roots will just break through the pots, which would stop transplant shock. I also need help on the best way to conceal the plants when I move them from indoors to out, and I will do this when they have their first five-fingered leaves. Sorry for rambling I'm pretty stoned lol. Appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I have grown in a pine forest like that ..... we put platforms in the trees..... cutting the top off and place board....... Pain to water and feed but they never got caught ! And there is people there all the time camping, 4wd, shooting etc !


Well-Known Member
Shit. I've just looked at the bottom of the cup and there's roots. The pot it's meant to be getting transplanted into is still in my garden - not in the woods where it needs to be. Lesson learned. 'Have everything ready so all I'm waiting on is the plant and not my lazy arse.'

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Shit. I've just looked at the bottom of the cup and there's roots. The pot it's meant to be getting transplanted into is still in my garden - not in the woods where it needs to be. Lesson learned. 'Have everything ready so all I'm waiting on is the plant and not my lazy arse.'
The roots always usually shoot strait down really dont worry to much you still got a lottt of time to transplant


Well-Known Member
Transplanted outside on friday. They look to be coping well so far and don't seem stressed. The weather forecast for the next few days is rain, will this stress my plant as it's only a seedling? Or will it be fine?


Well-Known Member
Could I put a small tarp over the top of it? Or a clear plastic bag? Or should I just try and get it somewhere sheltered? Bearing in mind it's a large pot and it's several miles to walk from the spot to my house, so I'd prefer to avoid having to bring it back unless it's my only choice.