First outdoor grow ????


Well-Known Member
OK so i have alot of land behind my house and i want to plant some plants i need some imput if this is a good idea.

Im going to spread my plants all over the woods, im going to have them in 5 gallson buckets then dig holes in the ground and place my buckets in the holes so there flush with the ground so they look legit.

Im just using plain normal soil and proably autofeming seeds im just putting seeds in the buckets and coming back in like 3 or 4 months.

Is this a good idea will i yeild at all if i put the seeds in the buckets and come back in a few months???


Well-Known Member
you need to worry about water. if your digging down that far for buckets why not fill the holes with soil instead this will keep them from drying out as badly. no expierience with autos yet but 3-4 months without checking them is not a very good idea. its not a good way to do any planting. if they are in your backyard why not check them? security? you can always go at night. anyway if your digging put them straight in the ground,make sure youve got some slow release ferts, and check them a few times especialy in the begining one slug can kill a small plant overnight.


Well-Known Member
and you said in the woods? make sure they get light, direct sunlight as much as you can get. peace.


Yeah you would be lucky to come back after a few months to see anything in the places where you started to grow. Just as sodalite said, you have to make sure that there is enough sun and water getting to them. Also if it is windy back there, they might get too stressed. I would grow for a few weeks inside then move them out there so they are a bit stronger to withstand the elements, if any are extreme.


Well-Known Member
Thnx for the imput but with my bucket ill have some fox farm nutes n ill go back there maybe twice a week to water n give em some nutes.

Sunlight wont be a problem they will have full sunlight.

Not worried that much about bugs n shit cuz there arnt to many.

Im using a 5 gallon bucket so the water can collect in the bottom and use it later on like a reserve tank ill probably do some Auto AK or something

I want to have like maybe 20-25 plants scattered in the woods like a group of 6 in one area n then another area of the woods have 6 more so there spread out for safety and too experiment and see which area grows better n stuff.


Active Member
first thing i will say is u need to dosome reasearch if u really wanna grow.. second this your going to have to drill holes in the buket to much water bulid up in the bottom will drown the roots.and becarful with the nutrients dont add to much. but like i said just do a little reasearch on the topic .


Well-Known Member
Thnx for the imput goose.

Ya i was thinking about a couple holes in the bottom to drain too much water its just the bucket is really big for low ryders u kno.

I would prolly nute them monday n then like on a saturday i did a hydro indoor just this is my first outdoor grow. Kinda nervous but wanna go big :)

Nothing like a wake n bake on a nice summer day :)

Also, im attidude looking for some other outdoor seeds i might try, my question is will these plants bring bugs???

I really dont have that many bugs around me just corn fields n shit??

And will deer get at my plants??


Active Member
yea they are big pots but u never cant perdict the root mass id rather be safe then sorry i wouldent stress it though if your already gonna watter twice a week. autos burn real easy i would water one week and then fertz the next till 2 weeks before harvest and then flush really good. theres bugs everywhere the only thing u can do is keep a close eye on them and if u do spot something . theres always something to get rid of it . and deer is the same way theres a buch off differnt ways to keep them at bay .. u could piss around them theres liquid fence to many to list just use google you will find something for everything ..


Well-Known Member
yea they are big pots but u never cant perdict the root mass id rather be safe then sorry i wouldent stress it though if your already gonna watter twice a week. autos burn real easy i would water one week and then fertz the next till 2 weeks before harvest and then flush really good. theres bugs everywhere the only thing u can do is keep a close eye on them and if u do spot something . theres always something to get rid of it . and deer is the same way theres a buch off differnt ways to keep them at bay .. u could piss around them theres liquid fence to many to list just use google you will find something for everything ..

Thnx bro i just read ur gurilla grow manual ha good shit

I think im just gonna have 4 or 5 remote spots with 6 plants n then ill surround them with wire and dog shit to keep the deer and other animals out.

How long would u say i stay them inside and then transplant them outside???

Maybe like a week or 2 inside then move em??