FIrst outdoor grow


Hey guys, this is gonna be my first outdoor grow this year. Im looking for 2-3 different strains. I live in socal and it usually gets about 100-110 here.


Well-Known Member
Heat could be a issue your gunna wanna find a spot that gets some shade threw out the day but it still has to get a min of 5 hours of direct light a day hope this helps


So I guess ill go with durban poison, I was also lookin at an afghan strain, and for the last somw haze strain.

Truth B Known

Active Member
purp trainwreck and headband are both good too for sure, but blue dream pumps it out.. i live way up in northern northern cali, so i couldn't really tell you what the best is down there, but i promise you if you find to top quality genetics of some blue dream you'll love it... good purps are always nice too, gdp, purple urkel, etc..