first outdoor - when to harvest

Hey all, was wondering if I could get some advice. Got a first time grow living outdoors. She is small but I'm just excited we made it this far on my first time growing.

So I live on the east coast and its October. Starting to get a little nippy outside. Not sure what temp is considered to be bad for the plant. I noticed the flowering stage about a month or so ago. The pistols on top just started to turn brownish. They were very white. The lower levels are still white. I don't have a magnifier or microscope to check the trics. Not sure how I can tell when is good enough.

I wanted to know if anyone can tell how long she has left or if I should just harvest now. I'm getting paranoid now because I'm checking her more often than normal.

Maybe there's way more to grow... I just don't know. But it seems weird.. Hey two more months til Dec... Will it last?

Check it out for me.
Appreciate it! Thanks


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Well-Known Member
Harvest now on the east coast. If your anywhere near ny chop. I heard NY had a frost the other day. If you are farther South on the east coast, like Florida, then watch for mold. High humidity and low temps will be your sign. But I wouldn't risk it, good luck man


Well-Known Member
Ps, it's not done, but you want to harvest before it molds is all. Is it a bag seed? Looks sorta sativa, so it could go another 2 or 3 weeks if you can keep it from cold temps and humidity.
Ps, it's not done, but you want to harvest before it molds is all. Is it a bag seed? Looks sorta sativa, so it could go another 2 or 3 weeks if you can keep it from cold temps and humidity.
Thanks. I am in Maryland. Its around 70 during day and drops to 50 at night. What will the frost do if it gets hit with it?
Yes its from a bag I got. So you think its sativa? What's the give away? Does it look OK?
I read I should flush a few times before harvest. So when I do this how long should she sit after the flushing before I pull her? Do I pull the roots or just use scissors? How long will a clone last if I cut her off and save her? I don't have anything ready indoors yet but if I put in a baggie will it preserve itself or do you need to plant a clone right away?
Appreciate the reply!


Well-Known Member
Frost will make your plant die and mold because of the moisture from the buds. Also, if it's raining a lot on your buds, that will cause mold if there isn't enough sunny days in between. You don't need to flush, flushing is for toilets (unless you completely overdoses your plant with too many nutrients) but your plant looks fine so I wouldn't flush. As for cloning, if you have never cloned before i wouldn't suggest it, your plant is too far into flowering. It's possible to clone it, but it would take a little experience. If you feel like you want to take on the cloning mission read up about cloning flowering plants and give it a shot. And don't take the roots, just cut the base of the stem, then trim the fan leaves off the branches, hang it up in 60-70 degree closet (dry the buds in the dark), watch for mold, you want the humidity to be about 40-50 tops. In about 5-7 days it should be dry and smokeable, but you can also put them in glass jars to cure the buds. Look up "curing process" if you're not sure how to cure. I think that's about it, good luck man
Frost will make your plant die and mold because of the moisture from the buds. Also, if it's raining a lot on your buds, that will cause mold if there isn't enough sunny days in between. You don't need to flush, flushing is for toilets (unless you completely overdoses your plant with too many nutrients) but your plant looks fine so I wouldn't flush. As for cloning, if you have never cloned before i wouldn't suggest it, your plant is too far into flowering. It's possible to clone it, but it would take a little experience. If you feel like you want to take on the cloning mission read up about cloning flowering plants and give it a shot. And don't take the roots, just cut the base of the stem, then trim the fan leaves off the branches, hang it up in 60-70 degree closet (dry the buds in the dark), watch for mold, you want the humidity to be about 40-50 tops. In about 5-7 days it should be dry and smokeable, but you can also put them in glass jars to cure the buds. Look up "curing process" if you're not sure how to cure. I think that's about it, good luck man
Thank you very much for your help!