First plant I've gotten this far with.


Suggestions? I ha e played around with bagseed before I really put any money into a grow. Let me know what you guys think? This one popped on the 1st of march. This is in roots with CFLs. I have kept it at 70-80, and never ph'd it boy have good water. The past two days I've been able to put it outside for some nice sonny days. Any advice is welcome.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how you're doing it, but that plant is growing sideways.

Looks good, how long has it been growing? Do you have a place for it to flower? It's going to need 12 hours of light and 12 hours of complete dark.


Well-Known Member
Looks good so far.

You should Ph your water though... My ph is around 7.1 out of the tap.. which is good for NPK, Calcium and Magnesium (ph 6.5-7.5)... However, you need a little lower PH (6.0-6.5) for the plant to be able to get Iron, Manganese, Boron... You might run into those issues in the future if you don't get any Ph Down..


Well-Known Member
for future turn your pictures rightside up before you upload them... its a headache looking at sideways pictures


Sorry to strain your necks.... I meant to post a few pics. I will work on it. This seed was labeled " bubblegum." It has been growing since 3-1. I do have a place to flower it, but as I said I've just used four cfl bulbs from hd. I kept waiting on it to die, but it lists keeps growing. It improved drastically from the days outside so I know my conditions suck. Thanks for looking (sideways)


Well-Known Member
How Do I turn pics? I am posting them from my iphone pics.
yeah man just throw your pics in paint real quick and use the rotate 90 degrees function then you should be set.

also, be careful bringing your plants outside and back in. pests from outside can cling to your plant and ride on back into your indoor room. you should really invest in a ph meter though as tap water's ph can fluctuate. one day you could have 'good water', and the next it will fuck your plant all up.