First Plant, need advice about harvesting ! ( PICS )


Hey guys ! So this is my first plant which i put so much care and work into, all totally worth it.
I wanted to know when i should harvest it ( i posted a similar question a while ago but the pictures weren't really new, these pics are new from right now )
Also, should i start using big bud ? Im scared its too late and my weed will kind of taste like it which i would assume must be un pleasant.
Also if anyone has any tips and advice about harvesting please feel free to let me know, this is my first plant and i have a lot of learning to do !
Thanks ! :leaf:



Active Member
WOW... I have yet to harvest my first plant so I can't help you there but after seeing these pics I had to congratulate you. That is one outstanding looking plant, give yourself a pat on the back.. nicely done! + rep for you :-P



Well-Known Member
Ouu that does help ! I'd say im close to the 6-7 weeks !
I'd say You have 2 weeks tops since some of the pistils have turned already just watch the progress and if you see certain branches that finish sooner
you can just cut them and it won't effect the rest of the plant.Good Luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Dont forget to look at the coloration of the trichs...not just the stigmas... A cloudy coloration with slight hints of amber are about the peak ripeness... All cloudy is ok... But patience is a virtue, and a more viscereal experience from your bounty is an awesome thing... Thats just my take on it... We all prefer different harvest times, techniques, so forth, etc, etc... But, on the real...thatz an awesome lookin' 1st plant!!! I give you two, resin-laden, sticky thumbs up!...