First Plant

First plant ive ever grown...just switched lighting to 18/6.
Couple of the lower leaves are turning yellow. I was thinking mg deficiency?
Also wondering if its still to soon to tell sex.
Any feed back would really help. learned a few things but still kinda feelin around in the dark...



Well-Known Member
Im not real sure could be a few different things. the leaves look a little wrinkly. what kind of soil are you using. are you adding nutes if so how much. I may not be able to help you but these things may help someone else help.
im using miracle grow potting soil. i know its hard to work with because of the time realese nut. so i havent added anything extra out of fear of burning them. do you think my plant is screwed?


you're not screwed, on my first grow i did use miracle grow. dont water the plant often, every other day or every 2 days. also, it looks like its time to transfer your plant to a bigger pot, this time use organic soil (FoxFarms). see what happens after that
ill pick some stuff up today and try that. Thanks
u said that you watered like every 2 doin about once a week right now. Is it because of my lights? theyre just 4 ft fluorescents. Cant afford the good stuff hah


also get some perlite to mix with your soil. besides the one leaf, it looks good, just dont let it spread to the other leaves
Havent tested ph yet....dont have any instruments, little low on cash. ive been using filtered water and just kinda left the rest up to MG.
I think im gonna make a soil mixture and put it in a bigger pot. hope it fixes it....dont wanna see my lil (hopefully) girl die


Well-Known Member
its not in danger of death. it looks pretty good really. just showing a little damage. ive had much worse and came out ok. my guess is its either ph problems or MG/Cal problem. you really should at least get a pool kit. they are cheap enough, or invest in a decent ph pen. i just dished out 29$ for one off ebay and trust me its well worth it. if your serious about what your doing. my first grow i used bottled water all the time, its ph was right on. but that water tends to lack any micronutes, cal/mg. i would invest in a pool tester test your water. if its in good range, i would epsom salt it up, maybe a little hydrated lime.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say maybe overwatering, but you say you only water once per week so that wouldn't be it.

Get yourself a ph meter (Lowe's has a combo ph/light/moisture meter for under $10, if you have one nearby) and test the ph of the soil. Basically anywhere between 6 and 7 is good, and everything else is bad.

Looks healthy aside from those few leaves that are spotted. Don't worry too much, or you'll end up causing an even bigger problem by overfeeding, etc!