FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)


Well-Known Member
So I got 1 female!!! YES!!!!
I'm afraid I didn't read how you got your seeds/starts, but if you're growing from seed it's well worth it to get feminized seeds. my 2c. :) You pay a little more but every one (minus the infrequent abberation or hermie) is female from the get-go. I order from Nirvana and only once has a plant hermied on me from them and it was most definitely MY fault for stressing it too much at the wrong time.
Got the seeds from some weed I got. Went through it and found 4 seeds. Only 2 of them made it to plants. Yeah I agree getting fem seeds is the way to go. Will def look into that in the future :) but for now, especially being such a noob first time grower and having my first female....shit is exciting son!!! Just sayin'

Next time you grow a seedling to a nice veg'd out teen you should think about taking a clone, grow it till it has a nice root system and sex that puppy that way you can see the sex of the plant you cloned with out having to lose out on the opportunity to keep a mother and then clone her from time to time and have 1st gen babies ready to be matured into smoke. I remember my first grows, I was so excited as well and yours looks great and you seem to be learning fast great job so far!
I actually tried doing this *several* times in Veg to no avail. Watched about a zillion cloning videos, I cut at a 45 degree angle. Was sure not to let air get in. Cut some of the outside skin off. Then put it in some Clone x for a few minutes. Then put it into a wet RAPID ROOTER thing. Put it in a doom. Made sure it didn't get direct sunlight. Misted the plants to keep from drying out. And no matter what...after a few days....each and every single clone attempt died on me. Was so pissed. I'm gonna try Rock wool next time around. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I am following the directions online and on youtube videos to a T. Anyway...I'm just glad I at least have 1 girl. By the next round (if there is a next round)...I'll hopefully have figured out cloning and I'll be able to do what you suggested. Might go the fem. seeds route. Will upload pics soon of both the female and the male before I got rid of him.

Use a seedling mat to keep the temperature up, clones get their food from water through there leaves while they are developing root systems, misting the inside of the dome and on the leaves while keeping the rockwool moist/damp, not wet or dripping or sitting in water, if it drips too much water. Also use distilled water unless you have an RO filter on your water line, you want the lowest ppm water available which distilled is the easiest thing to grab if you don't. One other thing is ph, clones don't like high or low ph a good ph of water is like 5.8-6.5 no higher than 7 and no lower than 5. And NO NUTRIENTS with clones.Your root hormone is okay, i prefer to use powder root hormone and mix a nice thick consistency of hormone powder and water to about a 2:1 ratio, 2 being the powder. and dab some into the rock wool your about to use to ensure the hormone is touching the cut part of the stem, check out "azos" it has worked for me so well.
Hey all,

Great news!!! Saw the pistils off one of them today!!! It's 100% a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of the two is 100% female. The other is 100% a dude. I already took the male out but I snapped a few pics before I did. So here are the pics of my sweet little girl and my boy before he ended up getting snipped and in the trash :(

MALE aka Phoenix - Who after he grew a ballsack turned out to be "River Phoenix"


HERE's the female - aka - HOPE...who lived up to her named cause I was hopin' she was a girl :)

I got about 5 cfl lights on her and big ass alternating fan blowing to keep her cool.

Thanks for all the support guys :)

My thanks as always to anyone who follows my noob thread. Go ahead and subscribe now cause I'm gonna be uploading some sweet as pics of some buds in no time :)

Thank God one of em' a girl. I can't believe it's a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

looking good
Thanks man :)

I'm flying by the seat of my pants so if you have any away. I know because I'm super early into flowering I wanna avoid doing things that are gonna stress the plant like trimming, light leaks, not proper nutrition, etc

Look forward to ur thoughts

Flower: started June 8th, currently June 20th - so for the pics below ALMOST 2 weeks into FLOWER.

QUICK QUESTION: Should I do any trimming? I have read that cutting branches off your female plant during flower can cause the plant stress...and stress is bad because it can sometimes make a perfectly fine female go hermie. I've seen before any after trimmings like this and was wondering if I should do the same to my plant. The pics below are not my plant and are of a before and after plant I got off of google images.


So can and should I trim my current plant to make it look like the 2nd photo? I just would love to hear a veteran's thoughts that if I do this I would be increasing my chance of stressing the plant and getting a Hermie (I've come too far to fuck up now). Any thoughts?


Now that my question is out of the are some recent pics of my plant HOPE on her 12th day of flower:

Bought a mini-grow tent for $80. Aviditi PTU-68 Mylar Reflective Hydroponic Grow Tent, 36-Inch Wide by 20-Inch Deep by 63-Inch High. So far it's been awesome. No light leaks and decent space. The link is here in case anyone wants to check it out for themselves:

Got 6 lights on her total.

(3) 42 watt (up top) Brightness: 2,600 lumens each so: total 7,800 lumens
(1) 23 watt (up top) Brightness: 1,600 lumens each so: total 1,600 lumens
(2) 23 watt (bottom) Brightness: 1,600 lumens each so: total 3,200 lumens
TOTAL watts on 1 plant: 195 watts
TOTAL lumens on 1 plant: 12,600 lumens

Should I do any trimming?

Pistils are really starting to come out

Will post some more pics in about a week.

As for nutrition. I'm using this for nutes:

And I'musing this schedule and as per the advice I've read, I'm going at 50% strength.
I am currently up to week #6

Thanks for reading my noob thread.

Look forward to reading everyone's thoughts.

best always :)



Active Member
For me, when I trimmed my plant, it stunted their growth for awhile. They just kind of stopped doing anything for about 2-3 weeks but then they started moving again. But it looks like your plant is stretched enough so you probably don't need to trim.
For me, when I trimmed my plant, it stunted their growth for awhile. They just kind of stopped doing anything for about 2-3 weeks but then they started moving again. But it looks like your plant is stretched enough so you probably don't need to trim.
Okay cool. If you think its stretched enough then I def wont trim. Thanks man ;) really starting to flower and white hair like crazy :) will upload some more pics soon. stay tuned :weed:


Well-Known Member
Lookin great JM,
As far as trimming goes, shes a nice size now and not too bushy, but she is gonna swell so i would let her be. Also u have lower lighting, if u put those lights a little closer u could get great & even light penetration
Lookin great JM,
As far as trimming goes, shes a nice size now and not too bushy, but she is gonna swell so i would let her be. Also u have lower lighting, if u put those lights a little closer u could get great & even light penetration
Just put the lights a little closer as per your suggestion. Thanks. I saw some fan leaves blocking some of the lower nodes so I did some slight trimming. But nothing major. will upload pics soon
3rd week of flower

Hey all, okay so started follow on June 8th. and it is June 27th. Which puts us at about 3 weeks into flower under CFL. She is coming along GREAT so far ;)
--The tent has worked out great so far. Highly recommend it to new growers.
--I got a oscillating fan on her to keep her cool.
--Got add another light to her so I have a total of 7 cfls on her.
--Feeding schedule is:
Sunday - misting
Monday - feeding with nutes
Tuesday - do nothing
Wednesday - regular watering
Thursday - do nothing
Friday - feeding with nutes
Saturday - do nothing
--I am keeping with the Fox Farm nutrition schedule and I'm just finishing up WEEK 6 of flowering's nutrition. I am staying at 50% strength unless anyone has any suggestions or advice to go the full 100%. Otherwise I'm seeing great results at 50% and I don't want to cause nutrition burn by going 100%. Welcome anybody's thoughts.

Here are some pics for the beginning of WEEK 3 of flowering. Tent has been awesome. Moved the lights closer.

Thanks for checking out my stuff. As always I welcome anyone's thoughts or suggestions. Looking forward to growing some fantastic medicine:)


Okay it's July 5th when I took these. And I started flower on June 8th. So that puts us at:

4th week of FLOWER.

Coming along very nice.

Enjoy the pics.

So far so good :)

Looking forward to uploading more pics. Hit me up with your comments and thoughts.

