FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Those leaves are from deficiencies. Why are you not using nutes for 3 weeks? That makes no sense. Even if you had nute burn, all you had to do was reduce what you were feeding.

Plus your plant would of been much stouter and yeild more if you had kept your lights closer.


Well-Known Member
August 25th is my guess ;)
I have some very sad news about my grow.
3 days ago, some of my nuggets were getting a bit weighty,
(i didn't veg with a fan and haven't used the best lighting etc..)
the stems got a little too thin to support the developing nugs (fml)
I devised a beautiful plan to use wire coat hangers and some string as support.
It worked lovely and all, but took a lot longer than i'd originally expected
In the midst, i discovered the 3 runtish plants had turned hermi. Oh noez.
Luckily, none of the sacs had burst out any pollen so i thought i was in the clear.
I destroyed them, and after a detailed glance at each of the other plants, determined them sensimilla..

So today, 3 days later.. I go back to support the rest of the plants. One in the back was indeed a hermi.
I decided to pull out my favorite gal.. Throughout the entire grow i could tell she was indica, big beautiful leaves.
I refrained from topping her and left her x-mas tree style, she canopied light, so i had her in the back also..
I noticed, near her lower half, some bananas that had matured quite successfully out of view.
I didn't know what they were at first, however, after touching one with a pick, it jizzed yellow dust everywhere.
I now expect some seedy weed. Not much to do now besides watch, and wait. poor gals..

The only plus is more seed to work with, however i wont be using any more bagseed from now on.
Although i did end up with 6 sensimilla gals, now they're all knocked up. :wall:


Well-Known Member
As for the nute thing, really wouldn't sweat it too much.
I couldn't imagine your buds being much bigger, they've already came a long way..
As an added bonus - at least you wont taste any harsh chemicals in her.
There are plenty of would, could, and should haves in your first few grows.
You really cant turn back the clock, just look for positives - in your situation i'd say there are many :)
As a side note, If my leaves look as green as yours do 9th week of flower, i'll be ecstatic.
I still think you did a damn good job :) But i'm just a noob, it doesn't matter what i think <3
Those leaves are from deficiencies. Why are you not using nutes for 3 weeks? That makes no sense. Even if you had nute burn, all you had to do was reduce what you were feeding.

Plus your plant would of been much stouter and yeild more if you had kept your lights closer.
Didn't use nutes for a while because that's what I read the solution was for nute burn. Was it the right call to hold off for 3 weeks? Who knows but, since this was my first plant and I didn't have any other females to experiment on...I choose to run the risk of having possibly smaller buds and keeping the plant alive vs having bigger buds and running the risk of killing the plant altogether.

I realize that with growing everyone has opinions on what works: and what one person swears against...another will swear by. And I read over and over that with nute burn...hold off on nutes for a while. And Now I'm adding them back but ever so slowly.

As for the lights...I've got them as close as I can get them...the CFLs generate a lot of heat and if I've put them closer as I have in the past and I've burned the plant.

To be honest, I'm just glad to have made it this far. The finish line is in sight...and no matter what the final yield is...I'm crossing that shit with a wide fucking smile :bigjoint:
August 25th is my guess ;)
I have some very sad news about my grow.
3 days ago, some of my nuggets were getting a bit weighty,
(i didn't veg with a fan and haven't used the best lighting etc..)
the stems got a little too thin to support the developing nugs (fml)
I devised a beautiful plan to use wire coat hangers and some string as support.
It worked lovely and all, but took a lot longer than i'd originally expected
In the midst, i discovered the 3 runtish plants had turned hermi. Oh noez.
Luckily, none of the sacs had burst out any pollen so i thought i was in the clear.
I destroyed them, and after a detailed glance at each of the other plants, determined them sensimilla..

So today, 3 days later.. I go back to support the rest of the plants. One in the back was indeed a hermi.
I decided to pull out my favorite gal.. Throughout the entire grow i could tell she was indica, big beautiful leaves.
I refrained from topping her and left her x-mas tree style, she canopied light, so i had her in the back also..
I noticed, near her lower half, some bananas that had matured quite successfully out of view.
I didn't know what they were at first, however, after touching one with a pick, it jizzed yellow dust everywhere.
I now expect some seedy weed. Not much to do now besides watch, and wait. poor gals..

The only plus is more seed to work with, however i wont be using any more bagseed from now on.
Although i did end up with 6 sensimilla gals, now they're all knocked up. :wall:
Okay so you're down for Aug 25th. Really sorry to hear about your crop. Sucks man. Really sucks. Yeah def get an oscillating fan for future grows. They're relatively cheap (prob can find one on craigslist for dirt cheap). And they will build up your stems nice and strong during veg.

It sucks being a noob...cause in point accidentally your 6 gals. As a noob myself....sometimes you gotta learn shit the hard way. And in today's lesson we learned...when there's a banana looking thing growing out of one of your plants...DONT PUNCTURE IT!!! And I say that as someone who probably would've done the same thing as you. Shit happens...but, what the hell at least you'll have a ton of seeds for the next crop and you're learning. I mean look at me...I started off with 4 plants total. 2 of them died. 1 turned out to be a dude....and the 1 lucky survivor from the holocaust of my trial and error style of growing. I don't know whether my one plant HOPE survived because of me...or in spite of me, lol. worries man. shake it off and come back strong for your next crop.

I wonder why you got some many hemi's. Light leaks? Or just bud friggin' luck? Either way it sucks. If you suspect it's light leaks I highly recommend getting a cheap grow tent. I got a Aviditi 36in wide, 20in deep, by 63in high mylar grow tent for $75 on amazon I couldn't be happier. Check it out if you need one:
[h=1]Aviditi 36-Inch Wide by 20-Inch Deep by 63-Inch High[/h],+36-Inch+Wide+by+20-Inch+Deep+by+63-Inch+High

Keep me posted with your gals. Maybe you got lucky and not all of them got fertilized.

I you down for Sept 25th. If I end up harvesting on that day...I owe you a nugget.

send me some pics of your girls in a couple of weeks.

best always

As for the nute thing, really wouldn't sweat it too much.
I couldn't imagine your buds being much bigger, they've already came a long way..
As an added bonus - at least you wont taste any harsh chemicals in her.
There are plenty of would, could, and should haves in your first few grows.
You really cant turn back the clock, just look for positives - in your situation i'd say there are many :)
As a side note, If my leaves look as green as yours do 9th week of flower, i'll be ecstatic.
I still think you did a damn good job :) But i'm just a noob, it doesn't matter what i think <3
Nah I'm not sweating it. Like I said before...I never even thought I was gonna make it to to be this close to harvest and still going somewhat strong...I'm stoked. In the next coming weeks I plan on doing a big flush with her to get ready for harvest. Anyway...noob or not...from one noob to another I appreciate the support from all you guys. I appreciate it more than you might think. I'll post some pics of week 10 soon. Stay high yall :)




hey, it's not all bad, if you get any seeds, they will be feminized at least. thanks for posting all the pics. really motivating since i am probably going to have to use a similar kind of configuration of CFL's. thks
It was August 15th when I took these. And I started flower on June 8th. So that puts us at:

10th week of FLOWER.

UPDATE: Bud are getting mega-fat :eyesmoke:

Enjoy the pics.

As always I welcome any thoughts, comments, or suggestions.

IN OTHER NEWS: I noticed a few baby nuggets growing right at the base of the main stalk that were zapping the main stalks of nutrients so I trimmed it off. I'm looking down at this baby nugget...probably about the size of a nickle and said what the hell...I let it dry over night on my coffee table. Put it in my bowl and smoked it....again just for the hell of it. It wasn't a full body high...more like a head high. The high was really interesting though...I became more alert. Lot a jolt of caffeine but at the same time I was relaxed. My thoughts were totally clear and focused. I should've taken pics of the nug I trimmed...but, what the hell it was kinda a spur of the moment thing ;)

Anyway...uUntil next time.





Well-Known Member
damn, shes a beaut.. those nugs have swelled up in epic proportions.
well done, may just be the lighting but some of those trichs look like they b gettin a lil milky ;)
harvest is around the corner for ya:)


Well-Known Member
Damn dude went through the whole thread I can't wait to see what those babies yield best of luck bro I wanna see that yield those are like fist nugs.


Well-Known Member
Today was my guess, where is week 11? :P
here's a few of mine in their 7th week :)
wk7c.jpg wk7b.jpg wk7a.jpg
some leaves are curling due to lack of water, i should have watered, waited an hour then took the pics..
Whatdyu think about 'em tho:|? followed your advice and moved them to a cooler space.
keepin' ya posted :p next week ill get some close ups. til then! -SM
Looking real good man. Yeah my plants exploded in their growth once I put them in a cooler environment. I expect yours will do the same ;) So far they're looking good. Keep doing what your doing. Looking forward to seeing your results.

In the's week 11 (see next post)
It was August 23rd when I took these. And I started flower on June 8th. So that puts us at:

11h week of FLOWER.

UPDATE: I've kept it strictly H20 with *no nutes* for my last watering. Also...I only water my plant when her leaves began to slightly wilt. Once I see that I know it's time to water. I've employed this tactic many times over the last couple of weeks and it's done wonders for growth and in making sure I don't over water during flower. Also...while I'm watering with ph balanced water...I took some of that water and poured it into a little water spray bottle (mine was an old febreeze thing that I cleaned out). Anyway, I also found that during a watering (I would take my plant and put her in my bathtub so i didnt get water everywhere)...and besides watering the plant with ph water (making sure to keep watering until you saw 25% runoff)...but, also to really spray down all of the buds and leaves with ph balanced water. Spray it until water is literally dripping off every leaf. That way it feels like rain to her. Then put her right back under the lights and in front to the fan and she pops right back up within an hour and the next day, it never fails, the buds get fatter. Also did a 5 gallon flush, since I read thats what you should do on a few veterans posts. They say to do it about 2 weeks before you harvest and it's suppossed to make a really big difference. And I could tell she really appreciated it because the white hairs (which were kind've sucked into the bud) really stretched out after I did that the next day. And the buds got even fatter. So the update as of right now is that some buds have white hairs growing on them but for the most part it looks like I'll be harvesting soon. I can see the tricomes are milky with some clear I'm waiting to get a little more amber in the tricomes before I do an official harvest (which will maybe next week). I already did I mini-harvest earlier in the week and got properly blazed. More details on that below. Otherwise, enjoy the pics.

QUESTION: if there are any veterans out there who could offer any advice on ***when to harvest*** or harvesting in general that would be much appreciated (since I'm a complete noob and i'm flying by the seat of my pants here). I'd like to harvest the plant when it will pack the most punch in terms of its pain killing effects. My girlfriend has terrible arthritis in her body and I myself have plantar fasciitis (which for anyone who doesn't know: it's when the tendon that stretches along the bottom of the foot becomes inflammed and it's painful to walk. Anyone who has it can's quite painful.) So I have that in both of my feet and after along day of walking...I can feel my feet throbbing through my shoes and the only thing that helps ease the pain is taking a few hits off a bowl. So yeah...I'm trying to maximize the pain killing aspect of my plant /medicine...for me and my girl...welcome anyone's thoughts


As I mentioned earlier..I did a little mini-harvest earlier in the week. I saw this nugget growing on the bottom of the plant and I didn't see too many white hairs on it, so I said what the hell...let's give it a whirl.

About 4 days later.

Countdown in 3....




first off, it's an amazing fucking feeling to smoke what you yourself grew. No other feeling like it

THE HIGH: Definitely felt it more in my head than my body. No couch-stuck. Decent pain-killing effects. I definitely felt more energized...felt awake and alert like I drank 2 cups of coffee. I felt more awake and alert after smoking. I caught the munchies a something fierce though. I attacked my refrigerator like Pearl Harbor....nothing was off limits. Had my girlfriend take some hits and she looked at me and after a coughing her brains out she was like "Jesus Christ...this is strong fucking weed!!!"

And that def put a smile on my face.

And this weed definitely gave me the giggles.

My girlfriend and I smoked a little more and we were completely fried.

A quick little funny stoy: we had to run out to see a friend of ours perform in a off-off-off-off-off-off-off Broadway play (did I mention it was off-Broadway?). And I am completely and utterly fucking zonked watching these actors scream at each other on stage. It was supposed to be this dramatic play but, to me I'm just watching these people pretend to be angry as they're screaming at each other...I found the whole thing hilarious. Then I start getting the gigs
...I'm sitting in the back row with my girl, biting my hand to stop myself from laughing like a complete asshole in the middle of the show. Finally, during a scene change I'm watching some poor bastard move the couch and the props around in the darkness...and next thing you know he knocks the dining table over, the table falls onto the chair which had all the drinks which he spilled all over the stage, which he slips on and falls directly onto the other table....destroying it completely. And then fucking couch falls on it's side. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I start laughing like a bastard. And mind you it's a scene change so it's relatively dark...and I'm laughing my ass off like Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. It was too much for me. I was holding my sides I was laughing so hard...and everyone in the audience started laughing at me laughing and this poor stage hand who's probably having the worst night of his life. I felt like I was watching the apartment scene from THE NAKED GUN

Needless to say I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself.

Ahhh weed ;)

Alright...will post some more pics soon. Harvest is right around the corner ya'll. Good times await yall ;)

I welcome any last minute advice before I cross the finish line.

As always I welcome anybodies thoughts, comments, or suggestions.

Best always.

JM :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cant wait for harvest pics :) keep a keen eye on those trichomes!
You can always google peak harvest, there's a lot to read up on tho :P
From what I understand, the earlier you crop, the more up-beat the high.
Harvesting early gives you that caffeine jolt, head buzz that will make you clean your house.
If you harvest in-between, you get a mix of an uppy, yet somewhat physically sedative head high.
And if you wait too late, you get a body buzz that'll lock you to the couch, utterly stoned.
I'd aim for somewhere around the middle mark, for the best pain-relieving effects..
I don't like the anxious heart racing effect you can get when harvesting too early,
As well as the instant burnout accommodated with harvesting too late. Just my noob 2 cents :)
P.S: That pipe is DOPE. I was almost too baked to realize that it was an elephant. :P
Hey guys,

took some quick pics of 4 of my stalks along with pics of the trichomes for each stalk.









Well-Known Member
Well done. I am going to use your our tips and about spraying her down inthe how how did you make the clf lights with the pvc. Canyou post a tutorial. First grow for me too. 1 week into flower outside and inside for fall. All set to go..
Building a PVC grow light stand is ideal (in my opinion) because you can always raise it or lower it as you see fit (and as your plants continue to grow).

To build it, I just watched this youtube video. Check it out...and it will help you get set everything up. Shoot me a holler if you any further questions...otherwise the videos are pretty straightforward. I got everything from HOME DEPOT

Don't ever be afraid to check youtube. Especially regarding growing cannabis. 99 times out of 100 someone will have posted the exact answer to whatever question(s) you might've had


TIP #1 make sure all your connectors and caps fit on your pipe before you leave the store.

TIP #2 do not skimp. Make sure you get the PVC pipe cutter. It will save you time, energy and headaches when you need to cut your pvc pipes

TIP #3 use the video above as a guide...I ended up making my stand longer and higher so it could fit perfectly into my grow tent.

Mine is made out of 1 inch PVC (I found it easier to handle and it was the perfect size for what I was growing but I wouldn't recommend getting anything less than 1 inch because it can wooble and it won't be too stable. But 1 inch (or bigger) should be perfect for building your own light stand).

PVC - 1 inch "T" connector - buy a lot of these so you can raise your light stand as time goes on and as your plants grow

PVC - 1 inch 90 degree elbow connector

PVC - 1 inch pipe - it's 10 feet long so unless you drive a pick up truck, you need to cut it in half before you leave the store so it will fit into your car. To cut it get a PVC cutter (see next link)

PVC cutter - do not skimp. GET THIS. It will come in handy when you're cutting the pvc pipes.

PVC cap

CFL 1 into 2 socket splitter

That's everything. You should be all set. Let me know how it goes.

Best Always,



Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the INFO... I am always looking at videos on u-tube on this subject. That's how I did one of my lights.


Well-Known Member
The majority look as though they're becoming cloudy, however some are still looking clear.
Check on them everyday until they are all milky, and you can't see through them :)
Give or take another 3 days, and i think she will be ripe enough to chop down :P
The bud looks perfect, but those trichs still don't look quite ready just yet..
Seeing as you have 4 main stalks, you could chop one at each stage.
1 stalk early, two mid-point and one later on.
1st stalk for the morning,
mid ones for the afternoon,
and the late one to put you to sleep!
Whichever way you do it, best of luck and post some harvest pics! :)
8th week for my girls- SAM_1190.jpg SAM_1201.jpg
I want to do a mini harvest like you, when i get to the 11th week :p
Time flies fast, when you fly high :)
No problem grasscropper:mrgreen:. Let me know how it works out. Upload some pics here when you get around to making your light stand. PVC cutting actually comes in handy. I've since made two camera tripods with PVC pipes for about $5 (Retail on a professional camera tripod is about $470). So trust me, even if you're not an amature photographer like me....making shit with PVC pipes will def come in handy for other things in your life. I promise ;)

Thanks for the advice and kind words stonamofs. Yeah I'm gonna keep checking everyday and keep her going until I get them all milky with a little amber. You kid looks great!!! 8th week and looking good. Yeah I "highly" :joint: recommend doing a quick little early harvest. Be sure to document it with pics :) It's a lot of fun. I took down a few more baby stalks since my post and already dried them out and I now have them in a little mason jar for curing.

That way in the future if I need weed for an energetic high, with pain killing effects, without the couch lock...I have some weed ready to go.

Then later when I do a big harvest when my plant ripens a little more I'll have weed that's strong in pain killing and can knock me out before I go to bed at night (I've got some pretty bad insomnia and strong weed helps knock me out).

Also...wanted to share this. I found a great video about WHEN TO HARVEST YOUR WEED


I bought the microscope from the video at Radioshack last night (was around $14 with tax) and it does the job perfect. I was able to see all the trichomes...without any problems. I highly recommend.

Will post some pics soon of week 12 of flower. Then it should be harvest time :)

