First Poat: Rate my growing style...


Active Member
Hi Im a new user to these forums. I have successfully grown 3 crops in my life, and all of them I started after readong Jorge Cervantes Bible about 20 times and scouring all the info on the subject I could before starting.

My first grow I grew from bagseed and used a 1500-watt metal halide for all stages of growth(was free as I worked as an electrician)

For soil I used 1/3 perlite 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 peat moss.This way I could manage the nutrient levels more closely than in pre-fertilized soils)

The first grow was done without walls or anything near the plants, they were in the center of a back bedroom huddled under the lamp lol.

I had a LARGE air conditioner next to the light trying to cool that massive thing, and was doing a poor job, had to keep plants 2 feet away from the light.

As for ventilation I had 1 floor fan :( and for Fert I used Miracle Gro 24-8-8 I think was the ratio, and for flowering I used cactus fertilizer 2-7-7(all I could find, but I used it in high doses)

I ended with 11 females, starting off 25 total plants, with some dying.Needless to say I removed the males before flowering.

The result was some DAMN FINE smoke off of bag seed, would put you to sleep if oversmoked lol. I remember ppl coming over and trying to hold conversations with me and Id just be like "uh-huh" and continue trying to sleep lol. I was unaware such high quality smoke could be grown from such low quality bagseed.

On grow #2 I grew outdoors, once again from bagseed. Dont know what to say here, I hate outdoors growing. I have to hike too far into the woods with too much equipment to take care of it like I want to. I have a crop in the woods right now so since Im fixing to grow indoors, Ill ignore that for a large while and just go see if its still there one day soon lol.

Grow #3 Is where I really got creative. At this point I had mastered many pruning techniques, which I liked none of, except for topping once maybe, or twice for 4 tops lol.

I constructed a 6x6x6 room, all painted flat white, and since the area was so small and I was still using the 1500 watt, I went crazy on ventilation. I positioned the room to include the same air-conditioner as before in one of the walls, had the floor fan+ another one incorporated into a part of the ceiling on the corner taking air out, 3 axial fans hung by fish-string and hooks circulating in room air along with another floor fan, and a duct fan bringing fresh air in from under the house and one duct fan exhausting air to the next room.

This solved my overheating problem, and the room was properly reflective now. I used my fertilizer more effeciently but only bore 6 female plants. I did however average 3 oz's per plant, so I wasnt too mad.(One plant had a bud the size of my forearm! but it turned out to taste HORRIBLE with no buzz and was not dense AT ALL, wonder what happened there)

Now Im going for it again, after a few years off. I always wanted to try a REAL strain with real genetics and breeding behind it, just to compare.

I ordered 12 OG KUSH #18 seeds from attitude and got 1 Rocklock Fem, 1 Warlock Fem, 1 Auto-flowering Bubblelicious fem, and one Motivation fem.

I will be doing this grow using a 1000-watt MH for vegatative and a 1000-watt HPS for flowering. I am using an air cooled reflector to remedy the heat problems I had before,Intaking the air from another room(that has A/C) and exhausting it under the house.

I will use the same soil as I always have used.1/3 perlite,vermiculite,and peat moss.
I also like to add 2 tspns of molasses per gallon of water to my plants, would carbo load be better?

I am now growing in a 6x6x8 closet, and will be keeping the plants as CLOSE as possible with my new air-cooled toy.

I will be using the same fertilizer as always unless someone seriously recommends some of this high price internet stuff lol.My way worked fine before, but I was worried I was underfeeding during flowering.

This is all I can think of for now, if you have any tips or suggestions or comments, please feel free to share them. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
If u grew out bagseed and it was good ..and then grew more and got 3 ozs a pop thats good..the only thing i can say is ur not gonna yield like the 1500mh unless u veg longer but the 1000 is more than enough..ur gonna love the 18# u might need odur control and u have 2 get better soil and nutes...imagine if u had used weed nutes instead of the ones u did..or soil thats preloaded with fert..u wont have 2 worry about adding all that fert and having bad tasting weed..