First Post. Basement Grow question


At the moment, I'm quite overwhelmed with all of the choices that I have. I was looking at the Trinity 2.0 Grow box but it seems very expensive.

I am now looking at a tent setup and I'm liking the DarkRoomII Twin from Secret jar din.

If I use a tent like that, will humidity be a big problem if its in an unfinished basement? Michigan basements in my area get pretty damp.

Also, this will be a legal grow in Michigan. Are there better options since stealth is not an issue?


Active Member
Yrah just turn the whole basement into a grow, if not you could build a frame yourself with some mylar or panda film as walls. I just placed an order for a Secret Jardin Dark Room Pro II 240w. I don't know about the twins.


Well-Known Member
1st it should be pointed out stealth is ALWAYS an issue even for us legal users! As for your question YES tents do get humid, If I had a whole basement to work with I would build a sealed room and put in whats needed like intake fans,exhaust,carbon filters,dehumidifier,AC or what ever else u will need. Environment is a very important part of growing a quality crop so I would build a efficient room to start so you will have less problems in the future


I want something that is easily removable in case I have to move. Thats why I was thinking about tents. So, with that in mind, aside from proper ventilation and fans inside the tent, what is a necessity for keeping proper humidity? I saw in Cervantes bible that a basement is supposedly a very good place for a grow since the temp is more even throughout the year as opposed to a main or upper floor.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Well then get a dehumidifier. Look on craigs list or spend a few hundred on a new one. Its all an investment really. I also think you should build your own room using 2 by 2 cuts of wood and plywood. Easy to put up and take down, easy to customize everything, way easier to trick out tjan a prefab tent. When you build your own box, you can add all sorts of shit you cant easily do in prefab tents. Also, if you have a whole basement, grow em big, bush those bitches out. 6 plants can equal 2 ounces or 3 pounds, its all up to you.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Oh, also, if youre in michigan, I would think it would be good to get some palats to put them on so they arent on that cold michigan floor


That's a good idea. I was just talking about the basement floor and worrying about condensation from a damp floor about 2 hours ago! Thanks


Well then get a dehumidifier. Look on craigs list or spend a few hundred on a new one. Its all an investment really. I also think you should build your own room using 2 by 2 cuts of wood and plywood. Easy to put up and take down, easy to customize everything, way easier to trick out tjan a prefab tent. When you build your own box, you can add all sorts of shit you cant easily do in prefab tents. Also, if you have a whole basement, grow em big, bush those bitches out. 6 plants can equal 2 ounces or 3 pounds, its all up to you.
So, if I were to buy a Dark Room II 120, which is 4 x 4 x 5ft tall and go with an Ebb and flow table, which takes up some height, where in the 2 ounce to 3 lb range do you think this enclosure would allow, provided I grow 6 plants in it? Is that spacious enough?


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight you need or want to... hang a lamp,a dehumidifier,run a flood table that's off the ground,run exhaust fans,intake,circulation fans, and have 6plants is a room that is 5feet tall and 4feet wide? This could be done but plants with need to be small due to height limitations of your tent with lamp. Unless your a midget your going to find it difficult to work on or with plants in such a confining space. I would probably only grow a few large scrogg plants in a area like that. Best option is still building a room you can stand up in and walk around plants(imho). Save yourself and your back future heart ache


Active Member
Sounds to me like ur set on buying something. However for the same money u could build a room out of 2x4s, and drywall. Seal it up insulate and run AC for both less humidity and nice cool temps for bigger lights. Not to mention plants like there space and room to work is a must. I live in the upper mi and humidity sucks for me. Right on lake Michigan. Just my. 02 . Best of luck to ya
Even add in that you will want to grow fast you may think you will be good with the size of the tent but they are pr-icy and when you want to grow almost become obsolete. And living in the UP temps get pretty cold in the winter and you dont want your ladies to get cold at night and a tent doesn't provide much insulation where if you build out of 2x4s and ply wood you can build a box that you can take up and down you can use walls to easily hang things, plus the thicker building material adds insulation and sound deadening to the mix. What kind of MI basement are you working with? Ive seen some that are pretty bad and low what kind of ceiling height are you working with? And what are you running for lights?


The basement is a cement floor with low ceilings... approx 6'1 to 6'3". It's a pretty decent basement as MI (or specifically U.P.) basements go.


Well-Known Member
im in cali bro... so i cant say much for local surroundings but the doc ^ is right build a box to fit your size light... shit... use a pallet for the floor of the box to keep it off the ground and you could still easily move it... build 3 and and still money saved ovr buying a tent setup/setups what size lights are you gonna run? cooled hoods/ bare? all these come into play.. you just have to really bite the bullet and buy your lights and ballast and start from there build a box around it.. =)


yeah, definitely low ceilings. I'll be running 600W HPS's that are in a sealed reflector with an inline fan through a 6" duct.


Active Member
I counteract heat with extra light. A few cfl's a little above ur grow medium level provide supplemental lumens and heat. Plus helps fatten those lower popcorn buds. Keeping them off the floor is a good idea. Also with basements make sure to do alot of cleaning. Try at all times to sterilize everything. I can't wait for the grow
Yea sounds like a good start couple of 600s and build your box around them. you can mount your controls and equipment on the outside wall as to not contaminate the environment. What kind of set up are you going to be running for the environment sealed or will you be venting? Will you be using co2? I Look forward to seeing what you put together man should be good.


Active Member
What you REALLY need to do before you even get started
1) stick a de-humidifier in the basement and just let it run, get the air dry before.....
2) Seal the basement, fill in the cracks and put a coat of basement sealer on the walls and floor - really if anyones basement is damp you should do this no matter what, your home will thanks you.

I have a darkroom twin and love it BUT the bottom section is really short, like I dont even fit in it short.