First Post...First Grow!


Active Member
Hi there guys!

Plannin on growin a few plants myself for the first time, now i see you all have these huge elaborate setups for them, but i dont really have that money!

I have 2 20inch Grolux bulbs and pots, soil, plant food, seeds arriving tommorow etc.

I was thinking, if its only 4/5 plants, can i not just have a light hanging over the plants (set at diff ratios at diff times etc.), watering and feeding?


Well-Known Member
Welcome. I was like this when i first joined. but people are really encouraging on here. I'm only using about 120 watts of lights and mine are doing ok. I'm sure you'll get some good advise. GL with he growing.


Well-Known Member
I got one of my friends into growing (we're both tired of buying the stuff) and in his first grow he only used a jewelers fluroscent light... pretty small thing. Sure enough it worked, just takes a heck of a lot longer for the plants to do their thing. More lights and better lights equal significantly larger and faster growing plants and buds. For example - I'm using (6) 4' long T5HO fluroescents and my plants (same strain as my friend) are twice the size and have been growing a full month less


Active Member
Thanks for the replies guys.

It's the same here, me and a mate are growing together cos were sick of waitin around for dealers etc. But as i say I've got 2 pretty goo dbulbs so ill see how it goes. When the seeds first get here (tommorow) should i do the bit where you wrap em up in damp cloth for three days then they start to root a wee bit, and then plant them?



Well-Known Member
I love all the amatuer growing. I'm such a pikey when it comes to equipment. I'm doing it as an experiement but if it works coooool. If not I've learnt summat.


Active Member
And should i have the light on 24 hrs at first?

I dont apply nutes for the first couple days right?

SO many questions!


Well-Known Member
I read that leaving the lights on 24hr isn't much different from doing 18 on 6 off. I personally leave mine on 24hr cos i'm a lazy git. As for Nutes I haven't even added any yet I've repotted twice and since the 5th October nut its still getiing a lot of nutes from the soil. (I hope)


Go to youtube and search Mr Green how to grow. Watch all 6 episodes. Also, check out the Grow FAQ here:

You will have to do many hours of research b4 you know enough to touch those seeds without wasting them if you are truly starting from scratch with no knowledge, which is what it sounds like. There is a TON of info online at various forums, youtube, megavideo, limewire, etc. Good luck.