First Post & First Grow


Active Member
Hey guys & girls,
Ive been browsing around RIU for a while now and i think its time i post something. I have taken in a lot of information from this site and after some troubles with my first plant, things are starting to look good.

Here are some pics of a a clone i took(first attempt at cloning), its a couple of months old now. Im growing it out in the full aussie sun and it seems to like it so far. Im thinking about topping it due to limited size in my flowering box..

My flowering box is still occupied by the mother atm. I'll post a pic of the mother for viewing please also.

The mother has been through hell with fungus gnats amongst other things but it has survived. It was bagseed and went a lil hermie from stress, only about 6 balls were found, it produced some seeds but seems all but female now.

Criticism welcome. :-P


strain stalker

New Member
Hey bro, just check'n ya out here. And was wondering, do you monitor your ph? Do you utilize tap h20?
...your first pic there maybe showing signs of Cal/Mag deficiency. (yellow/brown spots)
...your last pic looks a little overfertlized. ( discolored curled under tips ) ....are they krispy?


Active Member
Hey bro, just check'n ya out here. And was wondering, do you monitor your ph? Do you utilize tap h20?
...your first pic there maybe showing signs of Cal/Mag deficiency. (yellow/brown spots)
...your last pic looks a little overfertlized. ( discolored curled under tips ) ....are they krispy?
Hey mate,
At this moment i dont check my ph. Some sort of ph tester is on my list of things to buy when i have the money.
Just using tap water.
In the first pic a lot of the brown spots are actually where i found a little catapiller eating around the leaves, the top of the plant its extremely green and healthy. Some leaves are dying around the bottom but it seems natural coz of lack of light down there and they lay on the dirt.
The last pic, yeh i thought over fert too, they are crispy. I was still using veg nutes in flower and the gnat problem, and there was a period of 10days when i was away and couldnt water them, i dont think there is much i can do other than water it for the last 4-5wks of its life.. and then get this other one in the flower box.

strain stalker

New Member
...the knats are a good sign that your soil is staying too wet. If you let your plant dry out until she starts to wilt....that will kill out 80 % of the larva that dwells in your soil. The adult knat does no harm to your plant directly, however it's offspring (larva) can eat at your roots, and potentially kill your plant.Use any biodegradable dish liquid and add to your water...just a few drops per gallon. This gives a flavor to the soil that the knats don't like much....and has no effect on your bud. should be using pH balanced water (6.3 - 6.5 for soil). You can look at the pH as the plants appetite.....if it isn't in range, she won't have much of an appetite to eat. You can get the liquid test kit, which seems to be the most accurate for me. The fancy electronic meters always need caliberated and are pretty much a pain in the ass. I have 4 of them and I always use my liquid test kit to reassure that the electronic meters are, the liquid test kit is the best bang for your buck.


Active Member
Thanks for the info, ill be sure to check out a liquid ph kit. Its my top priority of things to buy.

Ive got the gnat problem under control atm, using some of the things you mention like the watering. I used "Gnat Off" and also left a small dish of beer/wine out for them to go and land in to drown, worked a treat.

Ive learned a lot from growing that 'almost failure'.

Here are some pics of another clone i took from the same mother. It went straight into 12/12 and as you can see is a lot more healthy.

