so this is my first post on rollitup! Hello everyone! Althought I've been on here for a few years reasearching and reading on and off. Hopefully this is the right place to post this? Idk if this is a beginner grow section or not. Never posted on any forums before so hopefully I got it right! ANYWAYS so I got a world of seeds strawberry blue going and a seedsman afghani #1 both have just been transplanted into 3 gal geopots filled with ffof, happy frog, and perlite. The afghani seems to be doing great where as the strawberry had these rusty brown splotches before transplant and now have turned into brown spoltches with the leaf tips pointing up. From what I've read it seems to be mg defiecient. Or a lockout. I have ph up and down and a color panel test kit but I honestly do not understand anything about how to change soil ph or what the in and runoff ph tells me so I've just been watering with 7ish ph tap water. Although a few times I put a drop of ph down once but it only changed it to about a 6.8 so yaaaa. Basically I have a lot of questions that I cant seem to understand without first handed asking. Please get back to me