First Posted Grow: Eva Female Veneno, Nirvana White Rhino, and DNA Rocklock


Well-Known Member
Computer died on me buddy so i wont be around for awhile but keep updating and i will check in from time to time. Hope everything is well your way buddy!


Well-Known Member
Damn man that sucks. That's good tho I was afraid somethin done happened to ya. I will keep updating tho. Probably update with pics later today


Well-Known Member
UPDATE EVERYBODY. This is the veneno 2 wks in. Still looks fairly good to me, the fan leaves are yellowing tho at an alarming rate. They yellow then get necrotic spots all through the leaf, I don't believe its lack of n this early as I transplanted it into fresh mg organic choice so it should have n. I'm thinkin maybe Cal mg as it always plagues me :( but here she is


Well-Known Member
This is the skunk. I shouldve made another clone of it, ill miss it after this round :( this plant looks a lot better than the first 2 did tho. I hope it yields decent for me, 1st plant I only got 16 grams, 2nd got 23, maybe this time ill get 2 os lol.I had to take a pic of the pistils, I shouldve picked a better spot but that toward the bottom of the plant But here she is


Well-Known Member
Well I scrapped the rhino about 2 wks back since it was male. I haven't even got a chance to start anymore man. I cloned the veneno and 2 of em r in rockwool. They're rooting just slowly but I should have some runnin in about 2-3 wks. Its good to hear from ya man lol

Truth B Known

Active Member
yo! i can't really tell from the pics.. but if they're yellowing and spotting like little stippling all thru the leaves, then you have spidermites.. which is very common, but you have to take care of them.. do you use neem or use any kinda chemical bug repellent/killer? my suggestion is if you do see stippling on the leaves, take them off, put them in a grocery bag and tie it closed and throw it away from your garden. then do a azamax/neem/dutch masters saturator solution, and spray the fuck outta them, they don't look like they're too far into flower so you should be good you can spray thru 4th week of flower usually. do that, then do the same 2 days later, and then again 2 days later, then do a neem/dm saturator mix every 2-3 days.. but hopefully its not spidermites..

do you veg under hps? you have some stretching goin on there, but for the most part your plants look good bro, just clean them up, and take care of them.. what are you feeding them, are you correcting the ph everytime you water and what are you feeding them..



Well-Known Member
Take all the dead leaves out of the pots they can encourage and harbour pests, what soil have you got them in? has it got added nutes? are you adding nutes to your feed water? can you or have you checked the PH at all? lots of questions i know but they look like they might need help.


Well-Known Member
yo! i can't really tell from the pics.. but if they're yellowing and spotting like little stippling all thru the leaves, then you have spidermites.. which is very common, but you have to take care of them.. do you use neem or use any kinda chemical bug repellent/killer? my suggestion is if you do see stippling on the leaves, take them off, put them in a grocery bag and tie it closed and throw it away from your garden. then do a azamax/neem/dutch masters saturator solution, and spray the fuck outta them, they don't look like they're too far into flower so you should be good you can spray thru 4th week of flower usually. do that, then do the same 2 days later, and then again 2 days later, then do a neem/dm saturator mix every 2-3 days.. but hopefully its not spidermites..

do you veg under hps? you have some stretching goin on there, but for the most part your plants look good bro, just clean them up, and take care of them.. what are you feeding them, are you correcting the ph everytime you water and what are you feeding them..

Thanks for takin the time to stop by. Yea sorry about the low quality pics. I have to do everything on my phone. Man I hope its not spidermites. I've looked everywhere on both of them but I can't c any. There were a couple fungus gnats but they're gone. I spray with fungicide3 insect killer about 3 times a wk. I hope the stretching is from them flowering almost 3 wks, the hps is only 6 in from the tops. I always do a post veg flush and since then I've only fed them once with 1/2 tsp tiger bloom per gallon. Thanks for the insight bro as ill be looking closely for mites again today. Ill try and get better pics up today also


Well-Known Member
Take all the dead leaves out of the pots they can encourage and harbour pests, what soil have you got them in? has it got added nutes? are you adding nutes to your feed water? can you or have you checked the PH at all? lots of questions i know but they look like they might need help.
thanks for stoppin by 3 eyes. I'm glad u did, I never even thought bout the dead leaves and attracting pests, common sense there lol. They're in mg organic, I transplanted 4 days before the swap to 12/12 I think, I flush the soil thoroughly when I transplant, my ph in my water is always 6.4 when I water, the soil always goes from 6.4 wet to 6.9 when its dry. I added 1 tsp dolomite lime per gallon of soil for mg also. I fed once with the tiger bloom as mentioned a post ago since transplant then this started. Maybe yall can answer, but will a plant naturally shed leaves its not using or maybe not getting sufficient light so it can put more energy into budding cause this always happens when I switch the lights?


Well-Known Member
Are you letting the pots dry? i had a problem with stunted growth the leaves were clawing down yellowing and dying, it was all down to potting up to early and over watering :wall: my mate had a similar problem with the leaves yellowing an falling his was adding to much guano to the coco when he re potted


Well-Known Member
You may be on to somethin 3 eyes. Maybe it was still too wet when I transplanted it and when I flushed it then that's causing overwatering symptoms. It just baffles me cause its always the bottom of the plant and that does it. I usually judge watering by weight of pot and that's helped me from over watering a lot but I may have when I transplanted then that watering with the feed just made it speed up. Ill try letting it dry thoroughly. This run I mainly wanna just sample the veneno. Of course I would like a reasonable yield but I have 4 clones of her rooting now. I have just recently started this addicting hobby a year ago. Not many runs with good genetics but with all my bagseed I never had these problems. I'm just tryin to get to 2 os a plant and ill be golden +rep for all help and comments


Well-Known Member
Thanks for checkin in man. I kno it aint much I'm just lookn to get enough to go harvest to harvest. Nothing compared to ur mighty jungle lol


Well-Known Member
Well after thoroughly checking and I mean THOROUGHLY I couldn't find any presence of bugs. There were spots on some of the lower leaves that looked like spidermites may have gotten ahold of em. But these leaves I believe were chewed up in veg to the best of my memory. That's when I started spraying every 2 or 3 days. I don't kno wtf is goin on with the yellowing :( but here's some pics. I guess on the bright side it looks like its gonna have rock hard buds. 2 and a half wks in and its got some lil nugs. I'm got sure if this is good or normal but compared to my skunk its gonna be real good


Well-Known Member
niiiiice man!! should help ALOT! will probly brig up ur success rate by like 100 % lol. na but seriously. probly like 75%


Well-Known Member
niiiiice man!! should help ALOT! will probly brig up ur success rate by like 100 % lol. na but seriously. probly like 75%
thanks for stoppin by bro and for the compliment. Yea I hope it helps but I also hope its not mites. I've looked everywhere for the little bitches but found none. I mean I've had a few of em every now and again but no infestation. Would there be webbing everywhere or would that happen only if its real bad


Well-Known Member
nitrogen deff
hey bro thanks for comin through. After about 3 hours of reading that's the conclusion I came up with too. I guess with it being 3 wks in I shouldn't mess with that. Do u think it'll effect my yield since it started after like 1 wk of flower?