First Run,let's get any mistakes out of the way.


Well-Known Member
So I chose to go with 4 plants and soil to start just to see how plants react to my room.

STRAIN:Blue Venom,Hypnotic,Blueberry Gum,Blueberry O.G.
LIGHTSGermed and sprouted under 4' 2tube overdriven T8 6500k flo's
Veg under 400w MH vertical with parabolic reflector. Flower under 400w HPS.
MEDIA: Sprouted in Jiffy pots and Jiffy seed starting mix.5" pots
Transplanted early in to FFOF in 2.5 gal pots.
NUTES:FoxFarms full soil line.SAM_0913.jpgSAM_0914.jpgSAM_0915.jpg


Well-Known Member
FFOF was a little hot so I did a huge flush with perfect ph water and they bounced back like champs.These are about 10 days old and look pretty decent,any and all feedback is always appreciated.They are under the 400 MH now on 18/6 and I can get em about 6" away.



Well-Known Member
The 2.5 will give them a place for a nice long tap.
My next run Im just gonna go from seed in either a 1.5 or a 3 gal
and leave them alone.

When are you tossing them under the 400?


Well-Known Member
The 2.5 will give them a place for a nice long tap.
My next run Im just gonna go from seed in either a 1.5 or a 3 gal
and leave them alone.

When are you tossing them under the 400?
I already did,been under there a couple of days and are really exploding.


Well-Known Member
Those new pics look good. How many days from sprout?

Take a look at mine if you are interested on day 11 with the mh on them from sprout.


Well-Known Member
Those new pics look good. How many days from sprout?

Take a look at mine if you are interested on day 11 with the mh on them from sprout.
About a week and a half from sprout,a little behind due to transplant but I am in no hurry.
Yours look great man.


Well-Known Member
They look good dude. I'm growing a Blue OG myself and have been relatively pleased with the results. Do ya have them labeled? I'd love to see if this grows similarly to mine, and I also have a blueberry gum seed I've been thinking about germing.

Anywho, you're off to a good start. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the pics man, I appreciate it. I'm definitely gonna be keeping an eye on this grow of yours :)

My Blue OG far and away grew the fastest and tallest of my ladies, and happened to be the fastest clone to root. I've been excited about G13's genetics and this pretty much sold them for me. While the Blue OG probably won't be a keeper for me (too tall, gonna be a pain the ass to trim, etc), it's a gorgeous plant and I'd be pretty excited if I were you! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Mini update,DAY13. It looks like they are bouncing back just fine from the early transplant.I wasn't really feeling the vertical bulb so I went out and bought a C.A.P. Hood and through a better MH bulb in there 7500k(word to the wise never cheap out on your bulbs,it's tempting but don't do it)



Well-Known Member
Update day 15 so we tackled a little bit of heat problems,all is well.Very excited by the burst in growth,I am not sure how long I want to veg,but I am going to wait one more node and top between 2nd and 3rd to get my four main colas.SAM_0944.jpgSAM_0945.jpgSAM_0946.jpgSAM_0947.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sorry for all the updates, but man is this fun.I feel like all of the reading and reading and watching and reading some more have more than paid off.Best advice for new growers like me,"Educate yourself on what you are doing before executing."

DAY 18-18/6
TEMP- 78F day 68F night
PH- 6.6
NUTES- 1/2 strength BigBloom,Kangaroots,Microbe

This is the first time I have been so attracted to a stinky lady and boy do they stink



Well-Known Member
Hey Sohighifly, caught up with your journal, you`re doing a nice job. Just put an order through of Blue OG (amoungst other things), good to see where you`re at and I`ll stay posted on your progress mate. +Rep and keep up the good work,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kush,I knew it was gonna be fun but wasn't prepared for how much.Every morning I wait up and take a peep at the teenagers and they surprise me every time with how much they've grown.I am really diggin the Blue O.G. not only is it a pretty plant but damn it smells for 18 days


Well-Known Member
Day 23
Hypnotic was topped,I think I am going to leave the rest natural to see which way I like better.
Day 23 18/6
PPM 710
Nutes Big Bloom,Grow Big,MicrobrewSAM_0976.jpgSAM_0975.jpgSAM_0974.jpgSAM_0973.jpgSAM_0972.jpg


Well-Known Member
They sure look good,
The extra veg time (as opposed to 12/12) really
makes a difference in growth. Yours look great
at 23 days.