First SCROG w / chicken wire- 1000w MH, 4'x4'x6' tent, soil - pics

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Nice. I need to build one soon. Do you guys keep the same string or replace it every once in a while?


Well-Known Member
I use pvc, weedwacker line, and electrical clamps... ive tried lots of ways to make screens, and these are the best for me so far. STAYS TIGHT bongsmilie

9-21-12 (15).jpg


Active Member
Here's a thought if your in an area you can't find any decent trellis netting to buy. Go buy yourself some pvc pipe. The size is dependent on you and how rigid you would like it to be. In any case you can use 1/2 to 1 1/2 i would suspect being way bigger than anything anybody would need.

Take the pvc and depending on what size squares you want drill holes straight through the pvc in set increments. Then cut the pvc to length depending on your screen size again. Remembering to center cuts so that its equal on the ends so its easier on yourself. Connect your frame and weave your desired wire, rope, twine, or w/e you can think of to use and there you go custom sized scrog net.
Do you have some kind of picture or diagram that demonstrates this technique.. I am intrigued


Well-Known Member
Hey just my advice with your scrog. I dont chop the undergrowth until after the 1st week of flower. After the stretch you will truly see what is going to make it up to or past the screen. Also switch from something else besides chicken wire. That stuff actually cut into my stems when I used it. It was a PIA.
Hey just my advice with your scrog. I dont chop the undergrowth until after the 1st week of flower. After the stretch you will truly see what is going to make it up to or past the screen. Also switch from something else besides chicken wire. That stuff actually cut into my stems when I used it. It was a PIA.
I agree, it was not very good and the exact same thing happened to me.

However, after all was said and done..... I ended up with a yield of 26 ounces of dry weight :) Introducing CO2 after the 2nd week of flowering seemed to be a huge deal :) I was going to be happy with a pound for my first grow (if even that)... to yield almost a pound and a half, wow... I must have done something right.


Well-Known Member
This is a prototype of a 4x4 unit produced by Scrog Technologies.

It fits in a tent, and rolls out with the plant, pot, and all. Rotates 360, and has a ridgid rubber coated screen that is ideal for training. It was designed to meet tent sizes and avoid the issues mentioned here. (fits just inside a 4x4 framed tent). Guess who designed it? ;)

Scrog Pod By Scrog Technologies.JPG