First Shroom trip story


New Member
it happened few months ago on the early morning of friday the 13th but here it goes

Normal friday, me and everyone go to school. For the whole week before that we get this whole plan setup for the weekend. My friend and his brother had the house to themself for the weekend and I happened to be able to get ahold of a shroom hookup. During school, all i was focusing on was making sure everything went right, made sure everyone was able to get out of the house to sleep over at my friends house, get the shrooms, etc. Well turned out all but 1 friend could get out. We pick up an eighth of weed and 10 o clock rolls around, we hotbox my friends car and smoke all the weed. After we blaze we go inside my friends house and split the shrooms between 3 people, we had about an eighth and a half of shrooms. One of my friends who didnt partake in the shrooms with us but blazed passed out on my friends couch while we were just eating the shrooms. About an 30 minutes later I notice the mirror was starting to get wavy and they did too, then about 20 minutes after that we were all tripping (it was the first time any of us did shrooms) I say we were all at level 1-2. Then my friend wakes up who crashed when we were just taking the shrooms and wakes up to us all tripping balls and he was still high to him we were very entertaining. For the next couple hours me and my friend randomly went outside and screamed and tripped out (at like 2 in the morning) so im sure we definetly woke someone up, and I guess that someone saw me and my friend trying to get into MY OWN CAR and throught we were trying to break in and called the cops. Earlier that day me and my friends specifically told my friend and his brother who didnt partake in any drugs to watch us and make sure no matter what we said not to let us out...Well at about 3 AM we somehow convinced him to let us walk around. Me and my friend were walking down the street towards a park to just chill and I guess the person who saw us trying to break into my own car was still on the phone and giving the cops minute by minute info on what we were doing (spinning in circles walking down the street lol) and so were just sitting in the park chilling and we see a car drive by. What do you know its a cop and he's got his headlights on us, he gets on his loudspeaker and tells us to walk over with our hands up and if we ran he wouldve hurt us. So we cooperated and walked over. They detained us and frisked us etc. They sat us down and looked at our eyes (dilated as fuck) they thought we were on meth and we were too afraid to tell em we were on shrooms. So like the smart people we were, we kept telling the cops we just smoked some weed and not on anything else (clear eyes, huge pupils) so they didnt buy it and they kept threatening telling us they could take us to the station and drug test us for everything and we just kept saying do it cause they couldnt test for shrooms unless they did a spinal test which is illegal w/o consent. At the time i was 17 and my friend was 18 so they questioned him more and focused on him...the whole time they were questioning him the only thing that i could see in my mind was them throwing both of us in the back of the cop car and locking us up for the night (which at the time i thought wouldve been extremely fun) and my friend said the only thing that was going through his mind while the cops were talking to him was "man that badge is really shiny" and after awhile they kept questioning if he was dealing me drugs and stuff and after awhile we finally just said yeah were on shrooms...after that point they fealt relieved cause the cop that was talking to my friend laughed and looked over at the sheriff that was talking to me and said hey there on shrooms and the sheriff just laughed...he then looked at me and started waving his hands in a circular motion saying "so your on shrooooooms" trying to trip me out, i didnt want to laugh or anything so i just stayed quiet. They thought we were lieing about staying at my friends house and stuff and after awhile they dispatched a car to my house to come pick us up and my parents were pissssed (but at the time i didnt care) so they came and picked us up at like 3:30 am, and when they picked us up me and my friend asked if we could at least tell my friends that we were going back home. They agree and drive up to his house and me and my friend literally run into the house with the biggest smiles and open the door laughing our asses off telling them we just got busted and my parents are here to pick us up and that we'll tell em the whole story the next day.

Looking back, I would have to say it definetly was an experience to remember especially for a first time shroom trip.

and the best part was the cops didnt write us up, didnt call the school, the cops (nor my parents) never called my friends parents cause they live up in the mountains an hour i pretty much took all the blame for it which im fine with it

edit: sorry for the wall of text bongsmilie


Active Member
haha some funny shit man i've come close to gettin caught .me and a mate tried to finish a 10pack of pinga's and we were runnin around this oval shootin roman candles anyway coppers pulled up and made us put our hands behind our heads felt us down and didnt even find the 2or 3 pills and gram of bud we had on us and even more suprised they didnt check our eyes(i'm lucky i have really dark brown eyes so its really hard to check pupils)8-)


Well-Known Member
I eat alot of shrooms,and this story is the biggest reason that I don't leave my house 90 % of the time. If I do leave I make sure that I'm not driving, or doing anything suspicious. I actually really love taking a walk at like 6 in the morning when the sun is just coming upafter a long night of hard tripping.


New Member
I eat alot of shrooms,and this story is the biggest reason that I don't leave my house 90 % of the time. If I do leave I make sure that I'm not driving, or doing anything suspicious. I actually really love taking a walk at like 6 in the morning when the sun is just coming upafter a long night of hard tripping.

yeah we learned not to walk around in the middle of the night, i still find it hilarious that someone called the cops thinking we were trying to break into my own car


Yeah, Thundercat you got that right, I love taking walks even when my trips a bit on a come down. The morning when the suns coming up is the best time though.


Well-Known Member
I think I actually prefer walking once I start to come down. When I'm tripping out, I prefer to just chill, and watch a movie. I also usually eat between 4-5g when I trip to though, makes it alot harder to go try to do stuff.