first sign of female?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Does it look something like this?


Sorry bro, but it's hard to see anything with that pic you supplied.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
cool! thats my tallest real linky one i have 2 others that are short stocky with dark green leaves and they have thesIMAG0226.jpge little nub thungs instead of the hairs. seems like if they were males it would be backwards arent the males usually the tall kinky ones?


Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
red hair, brown hair, blue eyes,green eyes...........................tall and kinky ones? They are males, if they have little cluster of "grapes" hangin from the nodes ehere you found the pistils on the other plant.Cant always assume that the taller more aggressive growing plant is a male....


Well-Known Member
Looks like a girl, course the pic is too far away so its not certain. You can use "MACRO" mode on your camera to get really close up and in focus pics.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Believe it or not I took these pictures with my phone I think it did a fair job. The smaller bushy plants that you are almost 100% sure they are ladies do these fool you also? i think its just too early to tell yet on the smaller one but i can clearly see the white pistils on my tall gal.