First signs of budding ???


Hi everyone this is my first post on here and im looking for some advise on my plants this is also the first time ive grown my own and im worried that they will never budd although i dont really have much of a clue as to what im doing the plants were seeded in mid april and now are roughly just over 5 ft tall i have deleafed alot of the big leaves and i notice there are pistels all over the plants now but is it starting to budd or when can i expext them to budd, if im gonna harvest these at the end of september i have about 7 weeks left advise would be appreciated

Thanks guys
PS: outdoor plants himalayan gold
pps: Sorry if in wrong tread



Well-Known Member
Its hard to see in those pictures dude. Can u get a shot closer of the nodes by the stem. I though i saw some pistels there in one picture, but not sure. You do have new brand locations starting but its hard to see the pistels. And for your harvesting question. You should start to see some sexing/budding in the next few weeks. Where are you growing? Due to the fact they are outdoor its all by lighting right? So depending on how long ur days/nights are is when budding will occur lol. Im not familiar with ur strain, but check out some specs if u are interested in the plants budding/sexing times.


Well-Known Member
i see stipules(sp?) but i dont see any pistils there in the pictures, i beleve you if you say you see them, but you still have a while to go. id expect to harvest late sept, mid-late oct.

did you have feminized seeds or start from a clone?

its getting to be the flower time of the year so every week you should see your preflowers form and then bud blooming more and more each week. these sativas take longer to flower, but you should see it soon


Im located in south of england

As for pistels like i said im not so cluded up about them i will go get some more photos and see if you can tell me whats what
thanks for the replys guys


Well-Known Member
i see stipules(sp?) but i dont see any pistils there in the pictures, i beleve you if you say you see them, but you still have a while to go. id expect to harvest late sept, mid-late oct.

Sick looking plants btw mate. Your gonna have a Nice yeild im excited to see :P



Active Member
Im located in south of england

As for pistels like i said im not so cluded up about them i will go get some more photos and see if you can tell me whats what
thanks for the replys guys

Hi! Damn, didn't think it was possible to grow outside in the UK.

It's difficult to see mate. You'll need to post pics of closer shots of the nodes to say for sure.

You got some Sativas there so they will take longer to finish budding than indica's.


Well-Known Member
hi im a regular outdoor grower in sth england, believe me you should not be harvesting september, i have to wait for at least mid october, even then im usually harvesting before i really want to, but patience is a virtue, and with any luck an indian summer will arrive, and make us all happy,
nice plants.


Well-Known Member
If I were you I'd force flower them. Sativa's take ages to flower and the buds might mould, or the first frost could kill the plants - you never know when the first frost is going to be in the UK.

I'm going with Big Bud x Afghani this year, nice yield but relatively short flowering time.

A male preflower looks like a ball on a little stalk, and a female preflower looks like a teardrop shape with 2 white hairs coming out of it. Both types of preflower grow from nodes (where the sidebranches touch the main stem).

Good luck, I hope they're all girls :P


Well-Known Member
If I were you I'd force flower them. Sativa's take ages to flower and the buds might mould, or the first frost could kill the plants - you never know when the first frost is going to be in the UK.
I have to agree. Just not worth taking the chance to let them finish naturally. Look at the sunrise calc, you won't be getting 12+ hours of darkness until the end of September.


now im a bit worried lol, force flowering sounds like the way to go but im not in the right area to be making something to cover them, i will try and relocate them somewhere and build something to blacken them out, do i need to do a 12/12 cycle


Well-Known Member
just keep faith with mother nature, she wont let you down, for the sake of a couple of weeks, its a loss less aggro than forcing them.


Ok i think i will stick to mother nature and hope for the best i could always move if i know a frost is coming

Here are some more pics to look at not sure if they are close enough to see still i will update this Thread in 1 month and show you some more pics
thanks for the help everyone




now im a bit worried lol, force flowering sounds like the way to go but im not in the right area to be making something to cover them, i will try and relocate them somewhere and build something to blacken them out, do i need to do a 12/12 cycle
Found a nice little place now just in case i want to force them ))


I'm in the south of England as well, growing my own and paranoid as hell.
First time.
Looks like your plants are outside...much braver than me!
Good luck!


Active Member
Ok i think i will stick to mother nature and hope for the best i could always move if i know a frost is coming

Here are some more pics to look at not sure if they are close enough to see still i will update this Thread in 1 month and show you some more pics
thanks for the help everyone


Still cant really tell, not close enough.

Think its still a bit to early to tell mate. Look on about the 7th node. Plants normally show their sex there 1st.