First Small Grow


Well-Known Member
got ta get that RO man, i got mine from costso 2 bills flat. it willpay for its self in two years easy with howmuch you and your plants drink lol but reading this made me remember i needed to top my new masterkush yo!


Well-Known Member
Dude lookin sweet. The bigger one is lookin healthy as hell. You did the right thing trimming the burnt parts. Your plant would have used alot of energy tryin to fix the burnt parts. A++ grow.


Well-Known Member
Whats going on everyone. I just got the lights that Penny sent to me. Here are the pics of what I got. Last pic is of my pipe.



Well-Known Member
Ya, they are hard on class 3 drugs. percs are a narcotic, and they are iffy to give them out, because they are addictive....


Well-Known Member
true. But if they will not give to me than what else am I supposed to take. Its not like I have been taking them for 2 years not with scrips