First SOG need help


Well-Known Member
So I have 19 Big Bang clones, and 1 seedling. I just transplanted them from my Sinkbud aero cloner to 6x6 square pots filled with hydroton last night. I'm running plain RO water for now. My question is what should I set my PPM at? I will be using Pureblend Pro grow, Cal/Mag Plus, and Liquid Karma. I was gonna use Stinkbuds formula which is,

Veg systems:
125ml Cal-Mag Plus
175ml Liquid Karma
550ml Pure Blend Pro Vegetative Formula

Mix all the nutrients in a recycled gallon milk container. Add water and shake well. The whole mix will take an 18 gal reservoir to 2900 PPM.

Add about half of the mix and check your PPM. It will be low so you will have to keep adding nutrients until you get it to 2000 PPM.

2000 PPM just seems way to high to start. Any help would be much appreciated.