First soil grow, plant has taken a bad turn in flowering 5th week

Gerry Lane

Active Member
Hi, Jerry here,

I'm in my first soil grow, did a few using hydroponic grows, I know I'm doing it backwards, I'm in my fifth week of flowering and my plant began to take a bad turn. I'm using a 200 W CFL, a 300 W LED, a 150 W CFL and a 200 w CFL. Everything was going well until the top most leaves started to look bleached out. I thought perhaps the temp which got as high as 95 during the day was too hot, and too close to my 300 w LED. So I backed off the LED and turned it off for a few days. High temps are now 85 and low of 68. I have been watering it about a gallon a day with a table spoon of nutrients daily. The plant is sitting in a five gallon bucket of soil. I have not done a flush on the plant since I started however it’s getting too big to move. The plant is sitting in a 6x3x2 cabinet I made from Habitat for Humanity. The leaves at the top started to look bleached, then the mid leaves started to die. I’m about to pull the plug on the plant and see what I get out of it. Please let me know why I’m killing it. I hope it’s not too late. GL004.jpgGL000.jpg GL005.jpg Closet Grow2.jpg


Well-Known Member
If it's bleaching out then lights are probably too close (light intensity/led) raise the lights and give it a couple days .

Gerry Lane

Active Member
Some of the lower leaves are turning hard. If I bend them they crack. This is what worried me this morning


Well-Known Member
You need to get your temps down even more unless you are using CO2. No idea what a tablespoon of nutes per gallon translates into for ppm but plants are probably overfed as well.

Gerry Lane

Active Member
I’ve been running a bunch of different lights. I bought a Sun System® HPS 150 Grow Light Fixture I was going to use for the next grow. I could try to remove all the LED, CFL’s and put the single 150 HPS light. That might help with the temp issues. I’ve included a close up of the plants trichomes. How much longer do you think the plant needs to flower?


Gerry Lane

Active Member
You need to get your temps down even more unless you are using CO2. No idea what a tablespoon of nutes per gallon translates into for ppm but plants are probably overfed as well.
I'll look into CO2 but the small size of my cabinet might be overkill. I'll try the single 150 HPS instead of all the smaller lights


Well-Known Member
I'm in my first soil grow, I have been watering it about a gallon a day with a table spoon of nutrients daily. The plant is sitting in a five gallon bucket of soil.
IMO, water less often, and use more water. Go for 20% runoff. Feed every other watering. Let the soil dry out in between watering. What is the humidity in the cab watering daily?


Gerry Lane

Active Member
IMO, water less often, and use more water. Go for 20% runoff. Feed every other watering. Let the soil dry out in between watering. What is the humidity in the cab watering daily?

Thanks for the input. I'll try what you suggest. Humidity high and low 34-47% Have been watering every day. The temps have changed since I put the 150 HPS high went from 96 degrees down to 82 degrees low of 70. Have not been watering with 20% runoff. I'll try this. Top most part of plant looks really bad, bottom and middle still looks pretty good.