first stealth cfl grow


New Member
Hey all, just wanted too show you my stealth cfl grow. I'm growing 1 afghan kushxnorthern lights. It started off outside vegged it for 1 month and now have it under 3 24w cfl. I have started it on 12/12 and its on its 6 day of flowering. I'm hoping to get just a little bit of smoke and I'm hoping this will do, Any info or advice would be appericated, heres some picsIMG_20151028_160040.jpg



Well-Known Member
Hey man it looks good so far, you could go a bit further to make it more stealth. In mine I used cooker hood carbon foam over the fan mounts to block out most of the light and reduce smells. This is the stuff

If I were you i'd try and mount the lights at the top and tie the plant down horizontally to get the most of your space. Here is my old pc grow

You can see how the plant has been stretched across the space so all of the tops are approximately the same distance from the light
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New Member
Thanks Morton appeeicate you're info. How much does that carbon stuff cost and does it work good? And also how many watt cfl is that? I like how you have it trained.


New Member
I think I stuffed up :/ I have the plant on 12/12 and that'd from too 12 pm. But I feel asleep last night and left the light on for 8 hours longer what do I do???