First stealth grow bagseed PICS


Well-Known Member
That is very odd, i wonder why your leaves are curling..

Are you foliar feeding your plants?


Active Member
Yes i have twice in the past week with only water. I just transplanted into a bigger pot from my 1 gal. It might have been the fact that some of the roots had reached the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Nah roots reaching the bottom of a pot, or rootbound plants has no affect on the growth of the plant... you just have to water it more often...


Active Member
Yea im wroking on adding another but i dont have one at the moment. Are you suggesting an exhaust fan or an oscilating?


Well-Known Member
I would put an intake fan in, one with lots of cfm..

An intake + ehaust will always keep your box cool...

Because its putting cool air in while the exhaust is taking the warm air out

Also make sure they are airtight


Active Member
Yea my exhaust is air tight but one thing is i have my grow box in my closet which has no venting, and the warm exhaust air kinda cirlcles around when the doors are closed so, would a intake fan be significant because to me it seems it will just be sucking warm air from the exhaust.


Active Member
Some one please help me. My plant is doing ok and is currently 3 weeks into budding with clusters of pistils all over. First off i need to know if 60% humidity is fine for budding with ok venting. Also, my fan leaves are very droopy and seem dry and wilty. Could this be because the temps get to 85 degrees F or maybe another reason? My PH seems to be fine, and i am making sure the soil is dry about 4-5 inches deep before watering and the leaves still dont perk up.
