First tent grow 400 watt HPS biodiesel mass and skunk mass grow.


Well-Known Member
you do know breeder times are ball park ?
most auto's take 10 weeks or so before they get really swelled up and sticky/stinky


Well-Known Member
Update ladies and gentlemen! :blsmoke:

Rewired my new ipower cooltube fixture and hooked up my ipower carbon filter! Also here's an update on the girls. Ignore the ones in the soup bowls, I'm transplanting tomorrow haha.

im giving the bag seed in the 5 gal fabric pot it's first feeding, then I'm going to top it down to its first node, and try mainlining it. I'm going to start feeding the skunk mass bloom nutes starting tonight! Wish me luck!



Well-Known Member
you need 1 more piece of duct
i foresee a disaster coming from the way that filter is secured >.<
I know haha right now I'm using 6 inch flex ducting, but I'm going down to Home Depot in the next couple days for 6 inch foil ducting. I'm going to run the exhaust about 20 ft to a window and I'm buying a can fan rated at 540 cfm to replace my dinky booster from amazon lol. It's secure enough for now, duct tape plus some bungee cords will hopefully suffice haha. You think it'll make a big difference in heat tek? It's been staying around 84f all the time, I'm hoping for 78!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
and i dont know common practice
but i ran mine filter fan light so the hot air from the light isnt heating the fan up
dont know if it makes a difference but its what made sense when i put it together


Well-Known Member
Haha I'm in an apartment so..... I'm going to redo it all when I get better ducting and find the best way to do it! Ill try yours first! Hey tek, will dolomite lime raise my ph somewhat promptly? My soil ph on the skunk mass is at 6.2-6.3 and I need to raise it up to 6.8 or so. Would a quick top dressing and watering help? I'm worried cause I know lime isn't that water soluable.

could I use baking soda water?? Lol


Well-Known Member
just till a bit of lime in the top and water it in
you could use baking soda but the lime is a safer bet


Well-Known Member
just like a teaspoon and kinda pretend your a lil kid playing in the dirt and mix it in a inch down or so


Well-Known Member
Update ladies and gentlemen! :blsmoke:

Rewired my new ipower cooltube fixture and hooked up my ipower carbon filter! Also here's an update on the girls. Ignore the ones in the soup bowls, I'm transplanting tomorrow haha.

im giving the bag seed in the 5 gal fabric pot it's first feeding, then I'm going to top it down to its first node, and try mainlining it. I'm going to start feeding the skunk mass bloom nutes starting tonight! Wish me luck!
aww shit I'm in trouble now lol she's got mad buds. Looks great :) :leaf::leaf: How old is she now?


Well-Known Member
haha yeah man shes definately starting to grow into her body haha:leaf:

tomorrow she will be one month old!! 35 more days or so... guess we'll have to see!


Well-Known Member
haha nice. yep, I'm thinking end of first or second week of November.
That's what I'm thinking! Anyways, I woke up this morning to a package from my best friend in CO! He sent me a half of Golden Goat, a wonderful local sativa strain that I love! So I smoked a fatty to myself and BAM! I decided to mainline one of my bag seeds haha. I'll get a pic up later, it had 6 nodes, cut it above the 2nd node, and trimmed everything off below! Guess we will have to see if she responds well to it!


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm thinking! Anyways, I woke up this morning to a package from my best friend in CO! He sent me a half of Golden Goat, a wonderful local sativa strain that I love! So I smoked a fatty to myself and BAM! I decided to mainline one of my bag seeds haha. I'll get a pic up later, it had 6 nodes, cut it above the 2nd node, and trimmed everything off below! Guess we will have to see if she responds well to it!
haha awesome!! :mrgreen::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Theres a couple shots of my main girl looking pretty and plumping up with a couple size comparisons to a pack of cigs.


Well-Known Member
Here's a a couple of my BLueberry bag seed I am attempting to mainline... Do I leave the fan leaves on or off?? :roll:
