First tim indoor hydro grow PICS Open to opinions


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate... 1 suggestion if i may ? I can't see how close the light is to your plants ? I would suggest if you haven't done it already is bring the lights down about 3 - 4 inches from the tops of your plants and keep and monitor it all the time, this way your getting the most from your lighting. But other than that they're looking tops... Are they sativa's ?


New Member
yea im gonna move the light up about another 6 inches, i hooked up the the to the ventalation to my house and it keeps it temp cool. i have one 2 indica 2 sativas and the rest are hybrids. i just started to flower 4 days ago. how about anyone one of you guys is anybody else growing?


Well-Known Member
starting my 3rd grow in a month or 2.... 1st & 2nd grows really successful. I grew 4 big bud plants and got just under 2 oz dried on the 1st grow and slightly less on the 2nd.. I grow in the roof space or attic if you like. I'm going on holidays soon so don't want to start again until i get back. Have lots to last me anyways, but can't wait to start again.