First time 125w CFL small grow... tips please? :D


Hey guys been reading for awhile but first time posting so go easy on me :P With some inspiration from this forum I have finally made the choice to grow my own weed for the first time ever. I'm currently restricted to a small grow operation until I move places (back end of this year) so I'm hoping to use this time to learn the fundamentals and refine my grow skills before doing something bigger in my new pad. I'm planning growing in soil with cfl light(s) I have converted a tall closet I had in the house and set it up as follows:

Size: W=17.5” L= 21” H= 47”
Lights: x1 125w CFL (red) with reflector
Fans: x2 PC fans
Soil: Seedling and cutting compost peat mix

Using duct tape and draft excluders I have light proofed the box pretty well excluding the 2 PC fan holes at the back and I painted the inside white. I used the paper towel technique and germinated a few seeds that a friend had given me unfortunately the seeds are mixed so I have no idea what there going to be should be a fun surprise :D the seeds cracked after 24hrs with little roots sneaking out so I put them in pre watered soil a little under the surface covering them a little with soil. I covered the trays with cling film and placed them into my grow box.

So thats where I'm at right now around 60hrs since germination and just waiting to see something come out of the soil :D I do have a few questions tho if anyone could answer would be greatly appreciated :)

Do you recommend turning the light on now even before the seed has broke the surface?

Keeping costs low is big for me at this stage I can probably add a few additional smaller CFLs if its really needed but how many plants/yield would I expect doing the whole thing under x1 125w CFL?

I have read that I should water with only 1-2 table spoons of water per day until its sprouted is this enough?

Cant think of anything else atm :) any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.


p.s here are a few pics of my closet need to sort out a digi camera then I can do more pics or maybe do a grow journal.



few of them have poped out of the soil now :) so there under the cfl on 18/6 cycle will post some pics tomorrow.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro thats a tight little setup... what i do for seedlings is just spray the top of the soil a little bit with a water bottle..once they pop soil you can slowly start spraying more and more each day.. once they grow around 2 sets of leaves then you can begin watering...just make sure not to water too much or too little.. plants dont need much water until they mature a little more... my plants are now almost 3 months old and in flowering, and i give them a whole water bottle full every couple days.. the bigger they get- the more they need..oh and you said your cfl is red (2700)?? you should pick up a blue one (6500) ..they work alot better for vegetation.. red is better for flowering


Ye I went with red for veg and flower since I'm on such a tight budget for this grow but I'm considering adding some lower wattage lights on the sides if I do I will definitely use blues in them for vegetation stage. BTW do any UK cfl growers know where you can get the y connectors to allow 2 lights to be added one fixture that I see in so many cfl grows?


Active Member
Only ones ive seen are on Ebay there E27 socket and are roughly £3 i think, I was looking for myself but i bought the bayonet CFL`s


I have added a 2nd out take fan today since the other was running a little slow you can feel a good ammount of air been thrown out the back now.


Well-Known Member
Dude i have looked every where, hombase, b & q asda all shops i know of, and even went to a private lighting store that sells only in bulk and none of these stores have them, best bet is online try amazon or ebay. Any way i gave up on finding these y splitters.