First Time CFL Closet Grow


Active Member
Well this is my first grow and I was just looking for some advice. The plant has been growing for about a month and a half. I just transplanted it into FF Ocean Forest and I'm using FF Grow Big nutes. I have two 100 watt CFL's for lighting. Does it look healthy/normal. Any comments would be appreciated.



Active Member
That's what I concerned about. It seems to be growing much faster since I transplanted it. I've only watered it one time with the Grow Big so far so I'm hoping that will help.


Well-Known Member
just watch it for a few days keep us updated and post pics. your bulbs are 6500k right? how was the root ball before the transplant? what was it in before?


Active Member
Yeah they are 6500k. The root ball from what I could tell seemed healthy. Actually looked better than I expected. Like I said this is my first time. If all goes well with this plant then I plan on ordering some seeds. I figure if I can't keep this one plant alive then there would be no way i could grow like 10


Active Member
And I forgot to mention that I transplanted it from MG Organic Choice or whatever its called


Well-Known Member
Hey man, just cause its your first time dont give up if this one craps out. Mistakes are suppose to be made, or else no-one would make them. I hope to go with a hard-to-kill strain as my starter, then as I gain my experience Im gonan go into the heavier-duty shtuff. Though for my size restraints I may have to go with Auto AK, which Ive actually heard is a pretty hardy plant. But dont give up if it fucks up man, That'd be like depriving yourself of sex, just because you finished early your first time. LMAO srry guy Im right royaly ripped outta my skull.


Active Member
Lol. Yeah I don't plan to give up on it. I just wanted to experiment first seeing how its not the cheapest hobby around. I'm looking to go with a small autoflowering strain when I do order my seeds though do to limited space and time.


Well-Known Member
yah you can never give up after one seed cuz there are so many things that can go wrong, your fault or not. anyways keep us posted dude and lunch get your shit happening asap! i mean it!