first time clones


Well-Known Member
how far shold flouros be from clones? its just a couple t5's for a few...they are right above the humodidty dome, is that too close?


Well-Known Member

If the clones haven't rooted yet they should not be directly under a light, I usually put a vegging plant between the light and my cuttings.

If they're rooted just far enough away from the light to be cool, pretty much as close as possible while covering all of the plants.

This is the simple set up that I use for cloning. I have 2 dozen cuttings rooting in my veg garden using this method, pop the top on the cup and wait for the roots to show through the cup wall.




Well-Known Member
when cloning you want your t-5s right on top of them within 3".the light is what is going to jump start the clone to begin shading your plants away from the light you prolong the process.You will not burn your clones with flouros,hell you could put the light right on top of and touching the leaves and it wont hurt them.another thing is you want a little bit of warmth.The closer to 80 degrees (but not over ) the faster it will root
Ive had most success with a DIY bubble cloner (over 90% success)i keep water between 75-78 degrees,constant air supply,and i put my t-5s right on top of them (within1-2")i get roots within 5-7 days


Well-Known Member

gani when you read Dowd's and my own procedures they seem to work on opposite theories, but we can be sure of two things:

1. We are both being honest and factual about our procedures and results.
2. There is similar ground.

In general - strong light causes the plant to focus on photosynthesis and weaker or no light allows the plant to focus on root development. "Roots grow in the dark" adage. The T5 or floro light will not burn the leaves, but may take it's foucus away from root development.

Dowd's system may get around this with a longer dark period to offset the photosynthesis, both theories may work fine, or he may just be a better grower than I am. Light is needed or the cutting will die; too much light (without a sufficient dark period) may slow the rooting.

A good solution: Do both, see which works better for you.

I'm developing a pictorial in post 10 of this thread, if you want to try my single cutting cloners I'll work with you on that thread to get the results that you want.




Well-Known Member
Hobbes you are right about the light/darkness factor.I did fail to mention that i do put clones under 18/6 light schedule.which may be when roots actually grow,it makes sense roots grow in the dark.Im personally no better grower than anybody else,but when i see an opertunity to show somebody a different way( not necessarilly easier)i like to share another way.
For me this way is the easiest but i also had all spare equipment to manufacture such a contraption.