First time cloning help


Active Member
I'm on day five after taking 12 clones of Jack herer . I did the whole bit with the gel, dome, and heating mat. Watered with 6.0 ph water every day and sprayed the leaf about three times a day . I have two clones bent over in half then picked up just a bit then a couple have lower yellow leafs one has some brown dead spoting on the edge of one leaf other than that there good. Can anyone tell me if this is normal?


Well-Known Member
A little yellowing on the bottom leaves is normal, the biggest indication for me on how they're doing is if they look alive. If they look alive and happy then its just a matter of time.


Active Member
Cloning is simple. I use a gel for the cutting, but as for the rest,
I only use ph'd water at 5.5. That's it. No cloning solution, no vitamins and no nutes.
I spray once to speed up the humidy build up in the dome. I put a 2ft
T12 dual light on the dome(actually having it resting on the dome lid) and I
come check them once a day, but I don't lift the lid or anything, til they root.
And they root in about 9-14 days, always 100% sucess too. The humidy in the dome
constantly drips down the sides and waters the clones. So easy as pie...


Active Member
My dome looks that way then it drys out I have to spray three time a day and water everyday. What am I doing wrong?


Active Member
I dunked each rockwool cube in ph 6 water for 10-15 seconds before I stuck the clones in there wholes then I cut each leaf in half then sprayed them with ph 7 water covered them with dome and put them on seed-clone heat mat about 4ft away from my eye hortulux 400 watt metal hylide light. This was six days ago


Active Member
Today I'm seeing some yellow leaf on the bottom of a few so I cut them off so as not to cause problems?

you should never cut off any leaves yellowing until rooted, stresses them out.

you should soak the rockwool for at least an hour, it is not ph'd and needs to get rid of the crap on it. Also, ph the water to 5.5, and why such a high output light for clones, get yourself a t12, t8 or t5 floro, 400w is too much.

the rockwool should be soaked when you take it out of the water from soaking, then shake out some of the water, then take the cutting, dip it in gel or powder, insert cutting, place in dome and wait. you might need to add water 3 or 4 days after. the 400w light is drying out the clones it sounds like.


Active Member
I think there was a leak of air into the dome because today it's real steamed up to where it's hard to see them in there finaly got good humidity on day six. There still alive that's got to count for somthing right?