first time cloning need help


i have a plant that is 4 weeks and 2 days into flowering.. i know your not supposed to take clones after the flowering has been induced but i have also heard it is possible but before i start cutting off a branch that will yeild me some bud i thought i would ask.. the branches im think of cloning are extremely healthy just have buds starting to form at the top but only a little bit so it wouldnt be a huge loss im just not sure if this is gonna work so please help me since every min it gets further away from being able to be cloned i appreiciate any help as i am new to the cloning world thanks G13corbyn


Active Member
4 weeks into the flowering cycle and your buds are only just starting to form? any light leakage into your growroom when the lights are off?.
Even so take one or two from branches at the base of the plant and put it into 18/6hr light cycle and keep the clones humid. It may go back into a veg cycle, at 4 weeks in this is not guaranteed to work, Your supposed to clone before flower, Grow the clones put the clones into flower identify the males & destroy said males and their parent plants, Keep the ones that are female in permanent veg cycle and take all future clones from them, "1st gen", more work for sure but all subsequent clones are strong. rather than getting into a situation of cloneing clones.