First time Coco user with a few questions.....


Active Member
I've heard good things about Canna Coco. Is there a cheaper alternative? I'll probably order online.

I currently have some plants in a peat and perlite mix. Will the coco out perform the peat?

Thanks in advance.

Peace, and be safe.
I worked in a hardware store for a short amount of time, only after i'd began growing with coco. There seems to be very little difference between peat moss and medium grade coco. I personally would never shell out the cash for canna, but if you buy non-pretreated coco, you are about to do some fuckin work son. You're gonna be looking at 2-3 hours to treat a gallon of coco, that's just my experience.
go with canna coco and nutes - IMHO you can't beat it - when I made the switch from Fox Farms to canna coco my plant health was much better and overall plant response to changes in feeding were almost immediate - within a few days - so it's easy to fix any problems quickly
Yields about 15% more than I did with dirt and taste S W E E E E T
what do you mean treat cocco

You should rinse all coco brands. Some people don't rinse the good stuff. Rinsing removes salt. You don't want salt in your coco.

Treating coco happens after the rinse by adding a full or double dose of a calcium and magnesium additive. Lots of people do this. It reduces calcium and magnesium problems.

I ordered GH Coco Tek today. I found a killer deal. The 5kg slabs were $25 shipped, I ordered 2. I also ordered a case of 24 Coco Tek mixed blocks.

Hit me up if you want to know how I like it.
I like the canna coco and the nutes it all works real well together. I never rinsed my coco never had a problem with it. I had info on that cant find it right now must be on the other computer but you shouldn't have to rinse the canna coco. And $50 for 50L bag thats crazy!!! I paid $20 out the door at the local hydro shop. Canna is good stuff if you can get a decent deal on it.
I get roughly four yards of coco delivered to my door (by dump truck) for $200.00. My source is a guy that buys it "used" from a local greenhouse, sounds lame I know... but this stuff is totally clean and I don't have to treat it or even rinse it. I sell feed bags of this stuff to my grower friends for 5 bucks a bag and they love the deal!

Roughly I would say yes, I never used 5 gal buckets biggest I used were 2-2.5 gal but I wasn't trying to grow I tree either. Most the time unless you veg for a really long time the roots don't use all that space. My buddy just switched to smaller pots from 5 gal buckets. But really its all preference. You may find that you don't need 5 gal buckets after your grow.

Wish I was your neighbor when I was using coco alotapot thats a sweet deal!
SeanDeerGreen, yeah it's a great deal... so glad I got hooked up with the guy that sells it. If I had to buy it new I'd be re-using for at least a second grow for sure. I grow in 5 gallon buckets, with a one month veg time my buckets are literally FULL of roots. So full of roots in fact it's tough to shove your finger into the coco.
