First Time DMT


Well-Known Member
ill be watchin...

2maro first thing in the mornin im gonna do another 50gs of bark... already got it ground up ready to go.


Active Member
lol the ashtray is almost all evaped but it lookes like if I touch it it would be a little sluggy but I see some white & yellowish crystals in there and I believe 1 jar did freeze precip while the other had too much naptha but I'll check again in an hour to be certain


Active Member
lol early morning extractions...prolly wait til my mom goes to work and my dad goes to sleep and start a new 50g batch


Active Member
ok so I was right one jar precipitated alot while theo ther barely had specs....the original jar now has alot on the lid but alot(less than before) on bottom...not sure how I'll retrieve but I;ll try and find a way or if all else fails I'll make the glass jar into a vaporizer and vape it up like you would a lightbulb...yea that seems like the easiest recourse but I have no idea ho much is in there so that's the last resort...drying out lid & bottle and gonna use the other jar of naptha on my new extraction which I'll begin secretly very soon.


Well-Known Member
ok so I was right one jar precipitated alot while theo ther barely had specs....the original jar now has alot on the lid but alot(less than before) on bottom...not sure how I'll retrieve but I;ll try and find a way or if all else fails I'll make the glass jar into a vaporizer and vape it up like you would a lightbulb...yea that seems like the easiest recourse but I have no idea ho much is in there so that's the last resort...drying out lid & bottle and gonna use the other jar of naptha on my new extraction which I'll begin secretly very soon.
nice... take some pics if u can. i think for the jar you should scrape out what you can and dissolve the rest with some warm naphtha and add it to your other batch.


Active Member
well I put all the pre-used naptha in thr collection jar that didn't precipitate much at all and I;m gonna use that for the pulls in my next extraction :) so I figure more dmt concentrated and less time to evap before freezing and more xtals


Active Member
so I got some reused naptha freezing and juts did a pull with new & reused naptha so I'm evaping that and then I'm freeze preciping most of it in that same jar but upside down & evapping a little in a ashtray.

got 1 mild toke off it but we were smoking it inefficiently for sure...tried to use the whole jar as a vaporizer at one point but that worked worse than the bong...didn't have enough dried shit to keep trying sadly.

when your drying your shit out either post evap or post freeze it shouldn't seem moist at all right? It looks all dry and then say I try to get some out with my finger it seems like it gets less crystal like...should I let those dry for an even longer amount of time?

Trying to figure out the best type of glass ware to use for freeze precip...Ideally it would have a lid but as long as there's some way to prevent leakage if it gets moved & the smell from stinking the freezer it's good...these jars are semi-suitable when turned upside down but as floridasucks said I might be getting up a little plastic when scraping off the bottom of the lid. Shot glass is too small and hard to scrape inside so I'm unsure what to look for or buy


Well-Known Member
i think your stuff may have needed to dry longer.

as for the glass, try to find something flat and wide like the dishes you see im using. and for the top just use plastic wrap it works great. any small glass baking dish would probly work.


Active Member
yea my issue is keeping it discreet in the freezer that's why those salsa jars were small yet great...I'm thinking maybe some pyrex dish that's flat and I can find a lid for..if saran wrap and a rubberband keep the smell and naptha under control then I might just do it with the small ashtray I got and just do relatively small pulls


Active Member the 2 jars still freezxing but naptha evap w/ a fan aint t hat long but I gotta be patient for the drying out aspect

btw how do you smoke it florida? I think we fucked up earlier trying to use a bong but I did taste that taste when I caught a mini buzz...very little visual aspect nothing really fulfilled my visual realm


Well-Known Member
for me it works in a pipe or bong. first i put in a screen. then put the dmt on the screen and top it with just enough dry basil or parsley to cover it. then just hit it like weed.


Active Member
parsley or basil...would weed fuck it up...I'm not talking for spirit doses but more just introduction dose

woke up so fuck it im posting before i go back to bed...the evap dish is still drying, evap didn't take too long (a few hours for like 20cc I think maybe less time but drying seems to take a little while which surprised me,...the bottom of the ash tray looks lightly wapred/warp-like so I figured that's the little bit of solvent left....I figure I'll let it go til 9am or so and pop the jars out of the freezer to check their progress b/w went in at 2pm and 1 at 6 pm so if nothings going on in em I'll have to decide if I wanna evap em first or just let em freeze longer but there getting really cold in back of the freezer at least


Well-Known Member
no i weed wont fuck it up, if thats all you have its fine. i do recommend not being high if you take a strong dose tho. better to save the weed for after.

dam i just looked at a plate i did last night and i have a big nothing... i dont know what i did, but it wasnt good. ahh back to work today.


Well-Known Member
nice little pile you got there... smoke it the right way thats sure to fuck u up. take a huge hit! lemme know how it goes.


Active Member
so i got a good buzz but I didn't stop to weight it out since my scale isn't as exact as it should be for this but it was a stronger feeling than yesterday...a strong green prescence w/ my eyes open and a purple one with them closed and everything was sorta like bubble effect...but I'll do more later...just put another pull in the freezer but I'll do more when I have more lol but it starts out feeling like a strong weed buzz but then just gets a little deeper doesn't taste too horrible but I'm using a bong w/ water...later I'll put ice in it and I'm sure that should f-uck me up more but I took like 1/4 of that pile probably