first time DWC grow going bad


im doing my first dwc grow and for the first week the plants were doing great then they started drooping for dead don't know what the problem could be. so I pulled it and I just happen to had a tub of water from a flush on a plant that I was flushing that I hadn't dumped yet so I threw the pretty much dead plant in that tub of flush water from the plant that I had been flushing when I came back the next day to dump the dead plant and dirty flush water the dead plant had bounced tremendously back the leaves where back hanging like bird wings again . but for the other plant that I have growing in dwc bucket it starting to do the same thing I bought h2o2 and that seem to not work can any body HEEEEEEELLLP
what kind of water were you using? if ro/di then there was nothing in the water for the plants to really take up so when you gave them something to actually feast on they started to perk back up. I move my clones into dwc totes with plain tap water that I left on and bubbling for awhile to clear out the chlorine and I know that there's already the minerals in there that the plants want. if I went with ro/di water then it'd be best to add calmag as your plant is not going to find these minerals in anything else


Well-Known Member
Wilting and recovery that fast is quite often an over/under watering issue. I'd guess that your buckets aren't replacing dissolved oxygen fast enough. The solution you had sitting out with no plants in it will oxygenate itself under atmospheric pressure even without surface movement or air stones. Surface movement just makes it take on oxygen faster.


Well-Known Member
they are telling u right except the flushing part u have done this several times

i have been working on my game and this is something i covered incase i messed up
shopping list
spring water/drinking water store brand (u buy as many gallons as your system uses) the jugs
PH testing system ( break down and order a electronic tester .....this needs calbation stuff and storeage runs yah about 110 for total set up)
ph balancing
1 ml pipettes/3 mls pipettes

take the plants/basket they are sitting in and move it to someplace to hold it (it must be blacked out to keep root good ).....take the orginal container dump it out and rinse out with hot water ......dry with paper towels (this drys and cleans out what is inside) .................put it back in the spot it goes and fill with the spring water ( test the ph of the water and get it to 5.8 )............then move the plants/baskets back to the orginal bucket turn on the air pump and keep it going(air pumps are like this cool water holds desolved fair well so a weak pump works but if u have warm water u need a stronger pump to put out more air in the water since it does not hold desolved oxygen as well ).........check the placement of the stone all that good stuff it should be dead center under the roots

this will be nice water to the plants .......u wait 1 days /2 days and then fallow a product line...........go box / flora series performance pack (amazon it)................the feed is broken down in gallons (so if u are using 4 gallons u need to times it by 4)

once u do that .........u must check the lvls of the water each day and check the ph (every day or atleast every other hence why the electronic ph testing stuff ) once that feed is in the water testing the ph with drops to see color change is not a choice

i done several soils and on first hydro but the results are worth the learning and extra gear/effort the stalk is thick as my thumb in 34 days (auto plants)

as for the saved jugs .............if u are city water odds u are not cleaning out the chemicals they put in them ...........fill the jugs with hot water and then sit them in a warm space for 3 to 4 days after that they are good to use for hydro systems ............side note the little bubbles u see is oxygen passing tho and the chemicals leaching out jugs have a 8% exchange rate ...........the hot water opens it up and the warm place keeps it going to finish it off


New Member
Just a precaution as well in regards to h202 and DWC... Once you make your nutrient solution (full feeding or water/flush only) ph the solution BEFORE adding h202. Especially with the high concentrated h202, it will drastically change the ph of your solution... temporarily (1-3 hours).
What we did in the beginning was take our RO/DI water, add nutes and h202, ph and adjust. Doing it this way, you are adjusting the ph with h202, so we over compensated trying to correct ph, 1-2 hours later, the ph will stabilize from the h202, for us resulting in ph way outside of the desired range.

I do not use h202 unless roots are changing color or getting build up in buckets. And if I do, I add the h202 directly to already ph solution. We will make our solution, ph and adjust, THEN add h202. (You can re-check the ph after 2-3 hours of h202 be added)
Now IDK if this is the cause and/or cure for your problem, but just be SUPER cautious when adding h202.
H202 is the only thing that has caused annoying issues with DWC. Smooth sailing since that issue was diagnosed and fixed.

Idk if this is just rambling but I sure hope it helps, feel free to ask any questions!

^^^EDIT: Long, stoned story short... h202 will change the ph of your solution for 1-3 hours but will stabilize. Of course, always double check your PHs before and after using h202


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you are not sufficiently supplying air to the roots. that plant could have bounced back due to the higher levels of dissolved oxygen in flush water. my guess is that you drowned the poor things. describe better your system, pics would help