First time dwc grow, huge white widows! Please advise!!!


Well-Known Member
you can make a mini cab for that digital stat to avoid light contamination
Or I could cover the screen with a piece of paper like a flap, like I did yesterday lol. 121104-1922-55.jpgI built this to control, heat, extraction, CO2, and has a contactor for HID light as well.


IMAG0230.jpgIMAG0230.jpgIMAG0231.jpgIMAG0232.jpgIMAG0233.jpg These are pics showing the pistil clusters started to form. But they're so bushy and have so many colas forming that are covered by large fan leaves I keep bending back, not trimming. RIU, someone familiar with white widows, please let me know approximately how many more weeks they have to go. I have checked my bloom area and there are zero light leaks. It's my top strain...of course, it's my only strain on this first ever grow! Just goes to show you that even a newbie can do well if you read enough! Thanks to all, RIU!!!!


Well-Known Member
judging by those pictures it looks like flowering is just beginning you likely have 8-10 weeks left before you should even consider harvesting. looking nice and healthy tho