First time DWC!


Well-Known Member
what is fish force? that doesn't sound like something i'd put in a new dwc grow.

what is your pH?


Well-Known Member
start a journal in the Grow Journals thread. you'll get a ton of help. we like pics and lots of details to try to help you out.

good luck!


start a journal in the Grow Journals thread. you'll get a ton of help. we like pics and lots of details to try to help you out.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
what water are you using? RO or out of the tap?

and you are using the GH 3 part: micro/grow/bloom right?

do you have a bottle of cal/mg? and/or a bag of epsom salts too?


Well-Known Member
does the pro roots help prevent root rot?

if not, you'll need something to do that. you can either go with a sterile res or one with good bacteria.

3 keys to DWC:
pH in range
dont' overfeed
don't get root rot


Thanks, is there a product made to prevent root rot? Any recomendations? Or am i covered with this ?

  • General Hydroponics – one of the original hydroponic nutrient companies
  • GH constantly conducts research and continually improves it’s products
  • GH Bio Roots – Made from completely natural ingredients
  • Stimulates the friendly micro-organisms in the root-zone
  • Hardens the root-cap
  • Improves resistance to disease and fungal infections
  • Highly concentrated


Well-Known Member
if i were you, i'd go the sterile route. just kill everything. one less thing to worry about.

not sure where you are but: pool shock, hydrogen peroxide, liquid bleach, etc. there are some pre-made products too. you'll have you to see what you can get and what you want to use. if you search on here, you'll find threads on each one.


Its now day 48 from seed and my plants are looking very good imo!:)

The one on the right is a Critical x Amnesia and the other a Cheese.

I've read you should give plants grown from seed 60 days in veg, is there any truth to that?

The cheese also has som spots on the leafs, any idea what it can be?

Should i remove all lower growt before or after flipping?



Well-Known Member
You grow the plants for as long as it take for your grow to be optimal.

They will double or triple in size when you flip to flower. So look at your plant. Imagine it is 3 times you have enough space yes or no?

If yes keep on keeping on.

If no...flip to flower

Those spots look like a calcium problem. Many many things can cause that.

So it is hard to say for sure but they look good for now. If it gets worse then you should look into it.


I've started a slow flip now, in about a week they are on 12/12.

Calcium def noted. This plant had a rough start aswell.