first time getting stoned


Active Member
Pink Floyd, yes! My first time was with this kid I went to school with. His parents started smokin with him his freshmen year of HS, and I was a bit older and had been comin around for a while, so they handed us a joint and told us to go have fun. Dude lit it up and we were laid back in his room playin some game on the original PlayStation. Anyway, Comfortable Numb came on and oh my god, the shit I saw when I closed my eyes... I've always had strange mental images and visuals when listening to really good music while blasted.


Well-Known Member
Was 19 yrs old, Step-brother and friend invited me and my friend over to smoke. We smoked about 6 bowls After about 30 min. I started feeling different, but didn't think it was anything special. (I was baked and didn't even realize it). I remember thinking that it's just like a light alcohol buzz. Then I decided to get up and get a drink (dry mouth), as soon as I stood up, the feeling changed. I felt my body pulsating, then when I went in to a dark kitchen I started seeing colors flying around everywhere. When I turned on the lights the walls looked like they were breathing. It was amazing...

I remembered that I brought CD's with me. I sugested to my more experienced co-smokers that we should listen to Pink Floyds Darkside of the Moon. They all happily agreed. We smoked about another 5 bowls turned the music on and the lights off. I then drifted off in to the most beautiful and intense dream I ever had. Most of my friends said they don't feel that way on Weed. They told me that my experience resembles more of an Acid trip. My first experience was my favorite one, It was then, I decided that MaryJane and I are going to be life long friends.
Amen bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
at about 13 i went with some friends to bake out next to a river on a really relaxing summers night, after sharing a couple of joints they all decided to go mad and get beyond wasted. We smoked so much and could not stop laughing and then 2 of them went to get more bud and i got SUPER paranoid thinking that they had left the rest of us and i didnt know where we were!


Well-Known Member
the first time i got high........i was 12 and i was a little bad ass. my boys brother rolled a gotti and and sparked it and we smoked it between the 3 of us. i didnt feel it really at first. it felt like i was light headed from inhaleing. but maybe 5 min into smoking it just smacked me. and i mean SMACKED ME. im talkin sammy sosa swings and its outta here SMACKED!!! i just slouched in the chair and i couldnt even breath. and my boys brother was like relax kid relax!!!! lol good times,good times.

DJ Crack420

New Member
damn everyone has a cool story...the FIRST time i smoked was with my sister. i was in 7th grade and we smoked like 5 bowls. i didnt even get sis was just laughin her ass off, and i was like is this it??? i got up and went to my room, and walking down my hallway seemed like i was running down a spiralling fun but like 30 mins later i passed out sooo.....

but ever since MJ has been by my side and i will ALWAYS LOVE HER

Bruce Leroy

Active Member
the first time i got high, but the second time i ever smoked, was at hungry jacks when i was 15ish, we got high in this outdoor place that had held the dumpster for our work. i remember walking back in to work heading down the aisle and tripping over a box, me and my boy laughed our heads off. i dont even remember going home though, i was smashed


Well-Known Member
The first time I got stoned, was like the 5th time I smoked. I was at my friends dads house, it was like midnight, and I was 12. We just chilled and some lady came over and she was buying some weed. She rolls a blunt and lights up. After like the 5th time the blunt comes to me, I was fucked up. It felt like 45 minutes passed as the blunt came around. I didn't wanna fall asleep there, so me and my friends walkedd back to one of there houses. All I remember is cars honking at us the whole time!


Active Member
First time I was in 8th grade, and it was a joint LACED with PCP. I was in this trailer park hangin with a girl from school..I barely knew her and lord only knows why I trusted her. It was 2 days after Thanksgiving, and it was pouring rain. I woke up around 4 am on the grass; next to the mailboxes in the front of the park with no memory of the 5 or so hours before. Some joint, huh?


Well-Known Member
i was in 7th grade.... my buddy and I had decided we wanted to try "marijuana" hahahahah so we made a small wooden pipe in shop class secretly and when it was ready (took about 2 days) we smoked a few bowls of this weed inside this tree... (it was a big tree, and there was like a hollowed out area under the tree to chill in) and I didn't feel it at first. We decided to walk to 7-11.... and I remember buying a kinder bueno..... but I didn't leave with it... I remember we were walking for 2 minutes and I was just like... YO MAN WTF WHERES MY BEUNO.... i forgot it on the counter..... and my buddy was like.... no man u already ate it..... but I don't even remember eating it..... he said I ate it in 1 bite before leaving the 7-11 after paying for it hahahahahah

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
7th grade. my friend had a bit of weed and weed packed a bowl in the cemetary on the tombstone. and went home. i saw a fat chick on the way back and i couldnt stop laughing. now, i smoke everyday. mary jane and i, we are lovers.
Yeah, you had best quit fucking with my girl... I hope you're happy, she's got a black eye now, but nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you.;-):lol: